Really Quote #6978076
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Quote #6978076

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imperfectballerina 1 decade ago
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It's your choice when you want to have . And the fact you want to wait is pretty mature. I'm proud of ya girlie. Don't let anyone tell you that what you think is stupid. They are just closed-minded people. I'm here for you<3
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♥Dreamer* 1 decade ago
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I'm really proud of you for not having until after marraige, that's what is right. Media and everything today has ruined the meaning of it. Good for you, and forget what other people say. You're doing the right thing. (:
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AddisonM 1 decade ago
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Thanks Marianii Chick*!
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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Honestly, I think it's your choice. I'm not abstinent but I respect those who are. I believe that when you love somebody and you are ready, then it's okay. But it's totally your own personal choice and it doesn't make you stuck up or weird if you are abstinent.
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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People just need to mind their own buisness is all.
If people want to f_uck all the time,
It's none of anyone else's buisness.
If someone wants to wait til they're married to f+uck,
It's still none of their buisness.
If people are eighty years old,
And wanna f+uck,
And have never f+ucked before,
Then it's still,
Once again, no one's buisness.
Their opinion of it doesn't matter.
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