Love Quote #7045525
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After 9 month of talking to each other, my crush finally asked

After 9 month of talking to each other, my crush finally asked me out. My mom doesn't want us dating because of a 2 year age difference. He's in 10th grade and i'm in 8th grade. Can I get some supportive comments from some people who have had the same problem as i'm having?


Alexandra❤️* 8 years ago
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Ya know I had something like that happen to me too.. I was in the 8th grade and he was in the 10th. But it didn't really work out.. And then I was talking to someone who was 4 years older than me. I was a freshman and he was a senior. He asked me to prom and everything. I guess I have a thing for older guys 😂😅
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i dont want to be a second choice.* 9 years ago
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That's what happened with me. We are still dating though (he asked me to be his girlfriend April 26), and there isn't anything I would change(:
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