Friendship Quote #7046596
all quotes · friendship · mq · thiswasemotionaltowrite · quote ·

so last year, I dedicated a quote to all of my friends, and i

so last year, I dedicated a quote to all of my friends, and i decided to do that again this year (things are so different, like holy sh//it) so i hope you all like it

To the amazing party planner, I'm STILL waiting for our date, man.
To the sassy Italian, as stated in my yearbook note, NEIL PATRICK HARRIS IS MINE!
To the sassy redhead, you are literally such a cutie pie and I don't tell you that enough.
To my best friend (I hope), thanks for putting up with me, even for all the times you didn't want to.
To the one who picks me up and swings me around and calls me adorable (still), YOUR HOUSE IS AWESOME.
To the one who also wears bows, I miss you so so so much and we really need to catch up.
To the one with half her head shaved, you are one of the strongest people I know.
To the freakishly tall guy, thanks for your support, but I won't be needing it anymore.
To the pun-making, animal-loving, Oreo-eating gal, I love you so much, more than I ever loved him, and that's a lot bae.
To the one who dates the girl I mentioned above, me and your cat are still getting married okay?
To the one who loves penguins, I'm glad we're speaking again since prom.
To the loudest guy I know, be good to her please.
To the one who lent me three Harry Potter books, you're such a lovely singer!
And to the one who just moved here from Israel, I'm glad you're one of us.



seafoam* 9 years ago
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Um hi where's my reference????
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nicole🌹* 9 years ago
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hey, that's a good idea, I should make a quote for my Wittian friends too :o
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seafoam* 9 years ago
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I was scréwing with you, but yeah, that's a nice idea.
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