Onedirectiononedirectionupdate Quote #7055724
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One Direction Update 9/29/15 Hey everyone! Today is pretty much

One Direction Update
Hey everyone! Today is pretty much the same as yesterday. The boys did show 5/6 in London! 

In other news, the boys have launched what they are calling the London Session! It's going to be an intimate concert with only a small group of fans in attendance. It will take place in a secret location in London on November 14th which is the day after the album is out! There will be more info soon for each country on how to enter a contest to go!

Tomorrow's Tour Info: The boys have their last show of 6 in London at the O2!

This Day In 1D History:

Rumors: None

Links: Website for the London Session:
Some shots of the boys tonight on stage:


dreamer4eva333 8 years ago
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Yeah, but my last day at Starbucks is tomorrow, so that should help boost my energy levels a bit. Wow, that sounds amazing! Sign me up! ;)

Yeah, it would be. She'd be so happy, wouldn't she? Yes, the next time we're able to get tickets will just feel sooo amazing since we don't really know when that will be right now. :)

Exactly. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens. Yes, the way our story has played out with them has been beautiful. It hasn't been perfect, but it's been incredible. And we're only getting started. :) It will be so cool to have that perspective when we're older and the boys and us can maybe finally see just how big our impact was. Yeah, those days were nice. But hey, they've been really vocal on snapchat lately! I think that's been really nice. :)

Yeah, that is an interesting component of it. The vocals on it are so top-notch as well, and they capture that, "I'm quite sad, but I know it's going to be okay" feel of the song so well. Oh, you mean like for the album overall or for each individual song on the track list? Yes, it'll be here before we know it (hopefully)! The track list and then the album...I just can't wait! Exactly. Every one is as golden as his golden heart. Haha, that's okay, Jenny! Almost all of their albums, except for Four, could be innuendos, really. ;) Weren't they so adorable? :) Awww, thank you, pal! They are such cute brothers, aren't they? :) Here's someone I know you sort of kind of like:
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beary0630 8 years ago
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Oh that’s good! Do you feel better now that you’re done there? I think I would. And yes! I’ll go ahead and sign up with you!

Omg yes I definitely think she would. So would the Katie of 3 years ago. She had a pretty wonderful experience too! Oh it will. I think just hearing the news that they’re touring again is going to be special! And speaking of touring, I’ve just realized that it’s been exactly 1 month since my show which means that it’s way more than time for me to share my concert experience! It will be ready by the weekend!

It is a beautiful story isn’t it? And you know what would be so cool? One day I should print out all of my updates since June of 2012 and put them together. Then it’s almost like a book/story of our journey with them! Looking back on all of that is just going to be amazing. We know we’ve done so much but I don’t know if any of us really realize just how much. Yes the snapchats have been so nice! It’s that little personal touch I think we’ve all been looking for!

Well of course the vocals are top notch! The boys are top notch so everything about that song is perfect. The more we talk about it, the more I’m just so curious to see who wrote it and what the rest of the album is going to be like. Because Drag Me Down and Infinity have been very impressive so far! I’ve heard a lot of great feedback from both songs. And I kind of meant both. I’ve seen them for the album as a whole and for each song. I can’t wait either! And then the day after the album is out is that London session thing they’re doing! Imagine winning that!! I really want to know more info about that. Aw he does have a golden heart doesn’t he? :) Haha good! I didn’t want you to think I had a super dirty mind. I actually saw another girl on Twitter comment that she just got it that they meant that the album was made in the AM not that they were… So I’m not the only one who thought it! You’re welcome! And yes they are! Oh I think I might like that a little more than just kinda a little! That smile is perfection! :) :) :) Here’s someone you might sort of like:
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posted September 30, 2015 at 12:11am UTC tagged with onedirectiononedirectionupdate, celeb, quote

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