
Joined: April 18, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 166334

So my mother found my witty so i will no longer be geting on this. COnsider this account DELETED(:

1234omq1234's Favorite Quotes

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This quote does not exist.
Favorite Girl
Chapter 1.
Jessica's POV.

I looked myself over once more in the mirror. I couldn't believe this was happening right now. I shed one more single tear. I felt as if I were all cried out. I'd been crying all weekend. I got my black shoes on and walked over to Justin. He held his hand out and I laced my fingers through his. He squeezed my hand and we walked out to the limo. I went in before Justin and sat next to my mom. She was crying and let the tears fall right down onto her dress. I held her hand and squeezed it just like Justin did to me. My other hand was still laced into Justin's. The driver started to drive.
The whole ride there, I thought about the passed couple months. The tour ended 3 months ago and we went everywhere imaginable. My favorite place was Greece. We stayed in a hotel just like the one in Mama Mia. The fans loved the anniversary. They still tweet about it, even though it was 5 months ago. We've been in America for 2 months. One of the months we spent packing for California. We were moving to LA with Justin and Pattie. We couldn't stay in a little place like Buffalo and keep our career. Besides, my mom wanted to go there also.
Mom got completely cured when we got back to America. All the cancer cells died off and we were completely grateful for. My mom thanked God for it. And all the fans. She couldn't be more grateful for their donations. The chemotherapy was the reason she was living today.
Indie moved on to college in Colorado. She wants to become a kindergarten teacher.
Lexi moved to LA already because she wanted to try out acting. I thought she was an amazing actress.
Sam went to Maine to be a dancer. She has always been the best ballerina.
And Tia. Good old Tia. She made her own talk show. It was probably the most famous talk show, especially because she was so young. She got all the gossip and everything. She was planning to have Justin and I on her show. Good location for the studio over there in LA. So I would still be in touch with 2 of my friends. Indie and Sam would have a spot in my heart forever. We were planning to visit and have a reunion one day. I thought that sounded like the best idea ever.
When we got back from the tour, I had a huge surprise party thrown for me. Sam told me that we were going to have just the 5 of us at a big restaurant, but it turned out to be almost my whole school. I had so much fun. Justin had a blast too.
Back to the present. We got to the funeral parlor and there were already a couple of people there. My whole family was there along with some of my old friends from school. Some of my teachers were there and a couple military people. Everyone gave us sympathetic smiles when we walked in. They tried to cheer us up, but it wasn't working. I looked at Justin. He was tearing up himself. I wanted to keep my cool. I've cried enough this week. I wanted it to just be over with. Someone in a military suit came over to me.
"Your father was a great man. He will be greatly missed."

*how's this for a start to Favorite Girl? thank you for all the favorites on that last chapter! my heart grows for you guys. leave your feedback on this chapter!!! <3

here's jessica's funeral outfit.


Favorite this if:

-you've ever cried yourself to sleep,
-thought you were ugly,
-had a crush on a guy you've hardly talked to,
-had a crush on your best friend,
-tried to write a song,
-bombed a test,
-texted until you fell asleep,
-eaten out of the ice cream container,
and cried during a sappy movie.

Congratulations! Your a normal teenager.

This quote does not exist.

Fighting the urge.
To pick up that razor.
I hurt so bad right now.
But I know I can't.


I hate how guys on witty get all the faves and followers, just cause they’re a guy :/

Just me?

Why is it that...
whenever a
'boy' comes to witty,
all the girls are all over him, and he gets tons of top quotes


just because he's a boy
doesn't mean he should get 200+ favs for a stupid quote

sorry this just really annoys me
