
Joined: June 18, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 309784

1dforever46's Favorite Quotes

This quote does not exist.

In a interview
Selena gomez said "i only like zayn in one direction."

In another

interview harry said "i only like justin bieber in jelena."


NMF/Quote by OneDirection

♥ "I was About To Hug A Fan

but she said she wanted to hug Louis.
 She Was About To Hug Louis,
but Louis said he wanted to hug me."
                        ~Niall Horan

"Live your dream
& never wake up."

- Liam Payne ♥


format credit to OneDirection

"I'm an emotional guy
so I don't have to worry about a 
 girl trying to open me up."

- Niall Horan ♥


format credit to OneDirection

"Stay true to who you are
and never sacrifice
who you are to anyone."

- Zayn Malik ♥


format credit to OneDirection

This quote does not exist.


they call me Harry
they call me Niall 
they call me Louis
they call me Zayn
That's not my name, it's DJ PAYNE
- Liam Payne


format credit to OneDirection/Credit to Jill

Dude, are you throwing stones at my window? What do you think you have a phone for?

Okay, sorry you're right. 

 Did you just throw your phone at my window??!!

Now that
you can't have me

you suddenly

 want   me