
Joined: June 1, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 179340
Gender: F
hezzo, i’m Kristen :) i’m 16. i have dark brown eyes and i'm pretty short. music is my passion, i love performing.,i have a slight obsession with One Direction <33 &&Taylor Swift is my idol, i wanna be just like her someday. i love to sing and play piano&guitar <3 oh, and i recently learned how to play ukulele :) i love applesauce and peanut butter, but not together cuz thats gross. i'm obsessed with EasyMac. i hate thunderstorms, liers, and fakes. i uber talkative, and i'm easy to talk to&good at giving advice. oh,&don't try to change me. cuz i won't.
  i’m I have a kitty named Bella that i loves muchly & also a dog, Oscar who i also love very much <333 i also have a lil brother and a younger sister, and i love them. cuz that’s what family is for (: kaybyeee<3
follow meee <3


4itsjustmeS2's Favorite Quotes

Me: I love you 
Him: I love you too...will you marry me?
Me: Of course, but you know you gotta ask me later too:P
Him: ...Ok it's later, will you marry me?
Me: ...
Him: ...
You're adorable(:

fav if u think this is adorableee
my quote(:
This quote does not exist.
  red backround ; <div style="background-color: red;">
orange backround ; <div style="background-color: orange;">
yellow backround ; <div style="background-color: yellow;">
lime green backround ; <div style="background-color: limegreen;">
light blue backround ; <div style="background-color: lightblue;">
purple backround ; <div style="background-color: purple;">
pink backround ; <div style="background-color: pink;">
black backround ; <div style="background-color: black;">
spacing of lines closer ;<div style="line-height: 10px;">
make text squished together ; <div style="letter-spacing: -3px">
make text HUGE : <span style="font-size: 215pt; line-height: 115%">

To make a dotted border....

<div style="border: 2px dotted white; width: 582px; height: 200px;">
To make a hot pink backround....
<div style="padding: 10px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); position: relative; background-color: hotpink; text-align: center;" id="textDivBG" class="controlsStyle">
To make a black backround...
<div style="padding: 10px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); position: relative; background-color: black; text-align: center;" id="textDivBG" class="controlsStyle">
to make a solid border....

<div style="border: 2px solid white; width: 582px; height: 200px;">
to make a dashed border....
<div style="width:582px;height:200px;border:2px dashed blue;">
to make a medium blue backround....
<div class="controlsStyle" id="textDivBG" style="padding: 10px; background-color: dodgerblue; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-align: center; position: relative;"><span style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><span style="font-size: x-small;"><span style="font-family: Arial;"><br />
to make a light pink backround....
<div style="padding: 10px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); position: relative; background-color: pink; text-align: center;" id="textDivBG" class="controlsStyle">
to make a blue backround....
<div style="padding: 10px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); position: relative; background-color: blue; text-align: center;" id="textDivBG" class="controlsStyle">

<font size="5" face="Papyrus">TYPE HERE<
french script
<span style="color: #000000"><span style="font-family: 'French Script MT'; font-size: 36pt">TYPE HERE<
Vladimir Script
<span style="font-size: xx-large"><font face="Vladimir Script">TYPE HERE<
</span><span style="color: #000000"><font size="7" face="Cambria">TYPE HERE<
-<span style="color: #000000"><span style="line-height: 115%; font-family: 'Georgia', 'serif'; letter-spacing: -5.6pt; font-size: 38pt">TYPE HERE<

Blue Shadows =  <span style="text-shadow: 1px 3px 9px blue;">
Red Shadows = <span style="text-shadow: 1px 3px 9px red;">
green Shadows = <span style="text-shadow: 1px 3px 9px green;">
Orange Shadows = <span style="text-shadow: 1px 3px 9px orange;">
Yellow Shadows = <span style="text-shadow: 1px 3px 9px yellow;">
Pink Shadows <span style="text-shadow: 1px 3px 9px pink;">
black shadows = <span style="text-shadow: 1px 3px 9px black;">
Purple Shadows <span style="text-shadow: 1px 3px 9px purple;">

here's to all the people holding everything inside.

here's to all the times they wish they could have died.

here's to all the promises that never did come true.

here's to all the time i spent wishing he was you.

&&I tried my best,,

but i guess my best wasn't good enough </3


want someone who

is always there for me

 is that too much to ask? </3



I don't care how long I have to wait;;
I'm in love with you


&there's something about
looking into your eyes
that makes me believe
everything's gonna be ok ♥

please fav<3

&+ i actually believed you when you told me
that you loved me,
that you cared about me,
that you never wanted to lose me.
Now you're with her, my best friend.
and because of her, you hate me.
i blame you for RUINING my life

but really, i should blame my own STUPIDITY
because i let myself fall for YOU </3

Why would you do this,
to your own best friends.?
Lie, sneak around, break promises.?
are we supposed to be okay with this?
me&her? we were both finally picking ourselves up,
&& brushing ourselves off.

now, thanks to you, we're back where we started;
crying, wishing, staying up all night
because we're hurt and upset.
<<thanks best friend.>>