
Status: I met the most amazing person at track ❤
Joined: November 23, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 242026
Location: Pizza
Gender: F

Hopes & Dreams
Hello lovely! My name is Jenny, I'm 13 and I like writing stories :) Isuck at these so I'll finish it maybe!

Aeropostale_98's Favorite Quotes

It hurts to sit there surrounded by all these girls who don't have a clue about anything
Some are mean some are nice
Most wouldn't give a boyfriend a second thought
But that's who all the guys go after 
Not me, oh no
Not someone who maybe deserves a thought
I am always in the shadows waiting patiently
I wish i could have a guy to talk to when im lonely
to talk to 
that i know won't look at other girls
that will like me for who i am and not try to change me
that will accept me for me
that won't look at one of my friends who gets all the guys
but who am i kidding?
im just me and i scare all of them away
i dont lie or cheat or am fake like all the rest of them.
but i guess thats what they want 
someone pretty
someone skinny
anybody but me

Stay for tonight,
If you want to,
I can show you,
What my dreams are made of,
as I'm dreaming of your face...

I've been away for a long time
Such a long time,
And I miss you there
I can't imagine being anywhere else,
I can't imagine being anywhere else but here.
How the hell did you ever pick me?
Cause I could sing you a song,
But I don't think words can express your beauty.
it's singing to me,
How the hell did we end up like this?
You bring out the beast in me.
I fell in love from the moment we kissed,
And ever since we've been history.
please watch these two videos of me singing, my first time ever singing in "public" as you could say....
thank you!!!
How to be a heartbreaker
1) You gotta have fun. But, baby, when you're done you gotta be the first to run
2) Don't get attached to someone you could lose
3) Wear your heart on your cheek. But never on your sleeve unless you want to taste defeat
4) Gotta be looking pure. Kiss him goodbye at the door and leave him wanting more
Friend: Next time a blocked number calls you, answer like this--"Jim's wh.ore house. You got the dough, we got the hoe."
Me: No. How about, "Nashville sp.erm bank, you squeeze it we freeze it. How may I help you?"
Friend: No, you should say--"Henderson's Morgue, you stab em, we slab em. This is Eight Ball speaking."
Me: I think I should say, "Texas creatorium. You kill 'em, we grill 'em. How can I direct your call?"

     White lips,
     Pale Face,
     Breathing in

     the powdered donuts.





Do you ever hate someone so much, but you don't even have a valid
reason? You're just like, no.
Today, I received my first detention.

A guy had the nerve to "compliment" me,

on my chest.

And well, I may or may not have hit him,

while yelling some very colorful words.

Waddup detention. Waddup.

The worst thing, for me, about graduating?
Knowing your father won't be there, cheering your name when you're called to get your diploma.

Something worse than that?
Not knowing if your mother will be there to see it, either.