
Joined: November 5, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 234773
competitive swimmer right hurr.

Im an actress (:

my fave color is lime green !

I can sing like insanely high.

I'm a bit quiet, until you get to know me.  Then i'm the opposite (:

I want to be a psychiatrist someday, so I can help people through their problems and get past them.

I probably spend more time in the pool than my own house!

I'm really sensitive.

When it comes to guys, I don't just have one "type".

Since I was little, I have always wanted to be on Broadway (:

I have a big imagination.

I spend a month at camp every summer, away from technology and regular life.  I love it.

My life's been hard, but I can always get past the problems- big or small.

I suck at running. hahaha

My favorite class is Spanish and I want to become fluent. (:

I'm never too quick to judge anyone.

I'm a very empathetic person!

listening to Kid Cudi and Wiz Khalifa never fail to pick me up when i'm sad.

My swim girls are my sisters(:

I'm super gullible sometimes. lol

I love my pup (:

Helping out other people is something that makes me happy.

My swim coach and I have a love-hate relationship, hahaha.

I loveee watermelon (: its an addiction of mine.

BeLoFtHeBaLl's Flair

Flair is brand new. Send ideas on how to improve these badges to Steve.

12 year club
12 Year Club
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