
Status: Swagging
Joined: July 10, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 316307
Location: Camp Halfblood,sometimes I'm in Narnia or in District 12
Gender: F

BelieberSwag's Favorite Quotes

To be honest:
I've never seen
McDonalds or Burger King under construction they just show up 

Christmas is coming so fast
I can almost smell the mistletoe that i won't be kissed under


today's my birthday and i'm sitting here on the internet.
i love my life


Every 60 seconds in Africa,
a minute passes.




1. Hole your breath for 5 minutes.
2. Die.

This quote does not exist.

What people consider a "snack": Animal crackers and a juice box
What I consider a "snack": 2 four topping pizzas, a can of coke, a birthday cake, 3 jars of nutella, a gallon of ice cream, creme brulee from france, 4 donuts, and a pie. 

"on average, there are seven people in the world that look similar to you."
i would like to meet these people and apologize.


Katniss Everdeen,
in an arena with 21 other people that want to kill her, doesn't swear once.


Sorry I can't hang out tonight, there's a party at club penguin and I can't miss it.