
Joined: July 8, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 115379

CiCixBaby's Favorite Quotes

me and you are like...

Lilo and Stitch ;;
Abercrombie and Fitch ;;

mac and cheese ;;
thank you and please ;;

bees and honey ;;
Easter and bunnies ;;

sleeping and dreams ;;
cookies and cream ;;


scones and jam ;;
green eggs and ham ;;

selena and demi ;;
Linguini and Remy ;;

PB & J
I'll never go away
I'm here to stay
No matter what you say


you and me are best friends forever
we'll always stick together
and never say never

forever and ever



I want a boy...
who would shove ice cream in my face
who will wrestle with me
who shows me off to his friends and family
who treats me with respect
who will call me at four in the moring
to tell me that he cant stop thinking about me
who sings to me, even if he can't
who could break my heart,
but wouldn't dream of it




When i was 13
I had my first love

Fav [♥]if you just said that in a deep rapper voice


i love you,
but i hate you.
I miss you,

but I'm better off without you.

I want you out of my life,
 but I never want you out of my heart.♥  ♥♥

I don't like your shirt;

take it off


Get Some Ball's & Ask Me Out Already ;D

Just found out....

The guy i really think is hot has a girlfriend....FAV if this ever happened to you 

+fave if you have ever tried to go down
 an "up"escalator...


I wish

I was with him right now..


today i lost my mood ring
&& i have no idehow i feel about that