
Joined: May 13, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 299509

status: I stay high because the world is so low.
Just Because We Don't Talk Doesn't Mean I Don't Think About You. I'm Just Trying To Distance Myself Because I Know I Can't Have You.
We Say Goodbye But We Never Let Go
When was the last time
you did something for the first time?
Hello everyone,
Welcome to my page!
I'm Deanna Gryn.
15, freshman.
There really isn't much to say about me.
so if you have any questions or
just want to talk
hollaa at me (:

Music is my life. You never see me without my headphones in my ears & music playing...sometimes it is blasting and then sometimes there is just a gentle beat playing. Having music lets you escape from the world, forgets all your problems, reminds you of memories..even if you don't want to remember them. The thing with music is that your life could be changing and you could be a whole new person but music never changes..the song always stays the same. Music does so much for the world, it keeps the world spinning. Music is always there for you even when the world isn't.

ClassyGirl's Flair

Flair is brand new. Send ideas on how to improve these badges to Steve.

12 year club
12 Year Club
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