
Joined: June 15, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 183348
hi i'm dylan.
i'm sixteen.
straight. and yeah lol.
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Dylann's Favorite Quotes

Dear small children in front of my house,
if you don't shut up while I'm trying to sleep
in the middle of the day,

I'm going to kill you all. 


they're all the same,
smile to your face,
but spit on your name.

all mine <3


Ryan Dunn, 
You will be forever loved, and never forgotten.
June 11th 1977 - June 20th 2011.


i likhow
ninja turtles wear masks.
good way to hide your identity bro, it's not like you're a
freaking giant turtle or anything...



              It's 4 in the morning
and I'm STILL awake

These "I wasn't that drunk" quotes are starting to get REALLY annoying.

Whoever started them is okay, but we don't need to see 400 of the same quote. :/


This quote does not exist.