if you have 35+.. you're spoiled :3
[] own car
[x] cell phone
[] own phone line
[] bf/gf
[] own bathroom
[x] own room
[x] 2 or more story house
[] built-in pool
[]guest house
[] game room/play room
[] tv in your room
[] queen size bed
[] more than 20 pairs of shoes
[x] 10+ things from a designer store
[x] good grades
[] Dior sunglasses
[] louis vuitton purse
[x] iPod
[x] XBOX
[] PS3
[] mp3 player
7 Total.
You or your family has...
[] Mercedes Benz
[] BMW
[] basketball hoop
[x air hockey table
[]x pool table
[x] ping pong table
[] trampoline
[] live ON a lake or pond
[] own a pair of skiis
[] own a snowboard
[] has a boat
[] has a jet ski
[] has a beach house/ cabin
9 Total
[] only child
[] stereo system in bedroom
[] DVD player in bedroom
[] 100+ dvd's
[] gets $50+ for allowance each month (not allowance but for
helping with work)
[] goes shopping every month...or every week
[] shops at abercrombie ( Never been there )
[] goes snowboarding/ skiing every weekend
[x] makeup
[x] perfume
[] AIM
[] MSN
[] 5+ trophies
[x] own digital camera
[] walk-in closet
12 Total.
[] electric scooter
[] dirt bike/quad
[] 4X4 truck
[] guitar/drums
[] hammock
[] been on a cruise
[] traveled out of the country
[x] weight set/ workout set in house
[] personal fit trainer
[] expensive jewerly
[] met a celeb
[x] straightener/curling iron
[x] gets hair done/nails/spas
[x] on/was on a varsity team for the school
[] own batting cage
[] 100+ in wallet/ purse right now
[] own savings account
[x] 1+ BEST friends
[] been to the carribean
[] been to europe.
[] been to hawaii
[x] been to NY
18 Total.
[] shopped in seattle
[] eaten at the space needle in seattle
[] been on the eiffel tower in paris
[] been on the statue of liberty in NY
[x] been on the honor roll for 2+ years
[] went on a trip for sweet sixteen birthday
[] lives on a private property
[] license
[] moved 3+ times
[] sports car
[] hot tub
[x] pet(s)
[] ranch
[] at&t
[x] verizon
[] cingular
[] Sprint
[x] T-Mobile
[] virgin mobile / other
[x] been to 5+ states in the US.
[x] dont have a job.
24 Total.
[x] 100+ friends on facebook
[ alarm clock
[] home-cooked meal almost everyday
[] eat-out almost everyday
[] been in a limo
[] own camcorder
[x] own laptop
[] own desktop
26 Total.
Overall Total
You spoiled?
[] yes
[] h*ll no.
[x close