
Joined: August 27, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 212345
Hi guys and girls :-) My name is Alison and I love posting quotes on Witty I also love reading quotes and stories! I follow for a follow back, I hope you like my quotes! ���

Fromabove's Favorite Quotes

"I must be a fool

for taking you in

and letting you win control

of m
y heart... "



The Facebook Messege
-Chapter 1-

"I'm Sorry Lance" i dropped onto my knees and started cleaning up the shorts on the floor.
"Nah its okay barbie" he said smiling
He called me barbie because i had the perfect body, i used to run every single day untill my father got married, which was like a year ago.
"So have any boys been chasing you?" he said laughing
"Acutally, i have a boyfriend" i said proudly
"Oh yeah? Whats his name?" he questioned me
"Zach" i got butterflies just from saying his name
"How long have you and zach been dating?" he asked
"2 weeks"
"why didnt you tell me?"
"Why would i?" i said squinting my eyes making me look asian
"Oh well" he said "Go to sleep now goodnight" he said jumping into his bed
"But its only 7?" i said
"Whatever im tired and now you are too, goodnight barbie" he said going under the blanket and closing his eyes

I made my way back upstairs into my room, i turned on my computer and logged onto facebook.
i had a friend request from a guy named Ian Beyers.
I accpected it.

And seconds later i got a messege

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I'll do them all I promise!

nmq just really bored

We all want to grow up.

We're desperate to get there,

to grab all the opportunities we can... to live.

We're so busy trying to get out of that nest...

We don't think about the fact that

it's going to be cold out there... really freakin' cold.

Because growing up sometimes means leaving people behind.

And by the time we stand on our own two feet...

we're standing there alone.

                                   Grey's Anatomy

Press the fave button
Then hit alt and press f4
Watch what happens

Format by Sandrasaurus

So, today , it's my birthday
I am grateful for everything I have in my life.
I wanna apologize to my friends
Sorry I am not good enough.
Sorry I dissapointed you.
Sorry I am annoying
And I wanna thank to all of the people who stayed
beside me even though I was a pain.
I love you all!

I miss you mommy

Hello Operator, does Heaven have a phone number?
Mommy went to Heaven, but I need her here today,
My tummy hurts and I fell down, I need her right away,
Operator can you tell me how to find her in this book.
Is heaven in the yellow part, I don't know where to look.
I think my daddy needs her too, at night I hear him cry.
I hear him call her name sometimes, but I really don't know why.
Maybe if I call her, she will hurry home to me.
Is Heaven very far away, is it across the sea?
She's been gone a long, long time she needs to come home now!
I really need to reach her, but I simply don't know how.
Help me find the number please, is it listed under "Heaven"?
I can't read these big big words, I am only seven.
I'm sorry operator, I didn't mean to make you cry,
Is your tummy hurting too, or is there something in your eye?
If I call my church maybe they will know
Mommy said when we need help that's where we should go.
I found the number to my church tacked up on the wall.
Thank you operator, I'll give them a call. 

nmq/ this is so sad...



              Your perfect little girl dropped down another grade.
                   Your perfect little girl yelled at you last night.

                   Your perfect little girl talked back to you again.
                   Your perfect little girl has lied to you. 
 Your perfect little girl cries herself to sleep.
                   Your perfect little girl dated before sixteen.

                   Your perfect little girl hates you.
                   Your perfect little girl has given up on life.
Your perfect little girl wants to run away.
                   Your perfect little girl disobeys you.

                   Your perfect little girl says bad things about you.
                   Your perfect little girl self harms herself.
      Your perfect little girl is a disgrace.


So today at school..
We had a special visitor. He asked the audience, "If you could choose between either having the super power to fly or to be invisible what would you choose?" 

About six people rose their hands to answer his question.
He called on this one girl sitting in the back, she was very shy. I almost never heard her talk to anyone.
She stood up and her exact words were-
"I would choose to have the ability to fly because you don't need a super power to be invisible."


You Fall:
Friend: "Oh my God are you okay?"
Best Friend: "HAHA YOUR AN IDIOT!"

Format by Sandrasaurus