
Joined: July 5, 2012
Last Seen: 9 years
Birthday: October 2
user id: 314797
Location: Hogwarts
Gender: F

Why can't I live in a Studio Ghibli movie?   

Jay  19  KPop & JRock Lover & Obsessed with Studio Ghibli       




          Hello everyone! Not much to say but I love KPop, JPop & JRock. I also enjoy many classic rock & gothic bands, such as Aerosmith, Motely Crue, Bauhaus, etc.. My favorite KPop groups are SHINee, Big Bang, Boyfriend, U-Kiss, Super Junior, SNSD, f(x), 2NE1, B.A.P, Nu'est, VIXX, GOT7, and solo artists SE7EN, Rain & BoA.
My biases are, Taemin, Minwoo, Jeongmin, Kevin, Hyuk & G-Dragon.

As for JRock & JPop, I like to listen too, The GazettE, Alice Nine, L'Arc-en-Ciel, Exist Trace, V8, SuG, Spiv States, LM.C, Ayumi Hamasaki, & Utada Hikaru.

I'm a typical young adult and I'm in college to hopefully fulfill my dream of becoming an English teacher and to teach abroad in South Korea.
My other interests include reading, writing, drawing, playing Pokémon and playing with my cats.  I like many other things so please ask questions!

And my ultimate bias and whom I hope to meet is Block B's Leader, Zico. (^-^)






Comments to Chii.Bear*

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FreakingPip* 9 years ago
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Hey girl, thanks for sticking up for my quote about feminism earlier today ( That was really awesome of you to do, and so I decided to follow you because of that. :)
Chii.Bear* 9 years ago
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Oh you're welcome! It's because it is true. Just most don't realize what feminism is and why we need it. I followed you back. We have some stuff in common and I like your quotes. haha
FreakingPip* 9 years ago
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Haha, thanks! Feminism is so important to me, and I love finding people who feel the same! What else do we have in common? :)
Chii.Bear* 9 years ago
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We have in common, The Beatles, eyeliner, acting, To Kill a Mockingbird, Catcher In The Rye, The Great Gatsby, Reading, Wicked, Mean Girls, Harry Potter, Biology, writing, feminism, youtube, & witty. Not much but still some in common. And normally I don't watch TV shows that often but I do know about Doctor Who (thanks to friends) & Sherlock, yet again thanks to my friends. & Recently I've become more aware of how much feminism means to me, it really kicked in after my best friend (who at the time was sick with no voice who had to work) was molested by three men (customers) at her work place. Ever since I've been wanting to change things around where we live but no one wants to listen...
FreakingPip* 9 years ago
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Wow. We really do have tons in common! Damn, girl! :D

And that's shocking about your friend. culture is a really serious problem (that a lot of people don't take seriously, unfortunately) and issues such as sexual abuse and consent are some of my major reasons for being a feminist. Your friend must be very lucky to have a friend like you who cares so much that you've taken up feminism to prevent other women from going through the same sort of trauma as she did.

And don't worry. There are plenty of people who don't want to listen. There will always be people who believe that gender equality already exists, or believes that feminism is all about man-hating and lesbianism, or that men are supposed to be superior to women. But there are plenty of people (myself included) who feel just as strongly about the causes you believe in and *will* listen to you and support you. If nobody else cared about feminism, history would have disregarded and forgotten about women like Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Kate Chopin, Gloria Steinem, Virginia Woolf, bell hooks, Kathleen Hanna, and many other feminists who all believed in the same things that you and I do. :)
Chii.Bear* 9 years ago
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Haha yeah lots in common. Truth be told I remember having to read "Catcher in the Rye" in school and I thought it was the most boring thing ever, probably because we dragged through every chapter. But when I read it alone, I love it.

Yeah, it makes it worse since it wasn't captured on video or else the police were going to press charges. Which the men weren't of sound mind, they were drunk. And unfortunately for my friend she's a little larger in the chest area than most women, so that's why she thinks they did it; sad thing cause her work uniform is what you see the Wal-Mart employees wearing. I think I was always a feminist but didn't really know how to jump into it or approach the subject until something like this happened and it felt like it clicked. I know there will always be those people. That's what we need to change. For everyone or even most people, to have an open ear and not ask, "Well what were you wearing?" The first thing should be, "Are you okay? Do you need anything?" I just wish there were more feminists around in my little country town...
FreakingPip* 9 years ago
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I know, I feel the same. I do know people that are feminists, but a lot of people don't care or think that there already *is* gender equality or say things like, "I'm not a feminist, but (feminist opinion)". Lots of right-wing ultra-conservative types where I live, so it's difficult to find people that are openly feminists. I feel like I was always a feminist, too, but for awhile I had a kind of on-and-off relationship with it. I believed in women's rights, but I held some prejudices, and never ever called myself a feminist (I started to really shy away from the term in middle school and freshman year of high school). Then, I watched this TED talk about feminism given by this girl named Tavi Gevinson and after that I gradually came back to feminism and totally embraced it.

I agree, It's really sad that people ask "what was she wearing?" when hearing about an incident of . Sexual abuse can be extremely traumatizing, and 1 in 6 women will experience it (that is by far the most terrifying statistic I've ever come across in my life). No woman should be blamed for being attacked, the way you wouldn't blame the victim in a shooting or a robbery. We shouldn't live in a society where our sympathies for a woman who was attacked, abused, and taken advantage of depends on what she wore, what she drank, where she went, or who attacked her.

Ugh. I guess that's my feminist rant for today.

And hurray for The Catcher in the Rye! One of my all-time favorite books and I'm glad you gave it a second chance :)
Chii.Bear* 9 years ago
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I totally agree with you. I guess I've always been one but never really embraced it until that moment to where it "fully clicked." I mean I did have to deal with a sexist PE teacher. Short story: My friend and I were lifting weights like we should & we went to another machine and then we saw it had a 25 pound weight on it and we were trying to decide to leave it or put 10 on, and he came over took it off and said, "You girls can't lift that let me get you something lighter." Then he put a 5 on, it was too easy. But it made me angry cause he also said, we couldn't lift it because we weren't as strong as guys. *huffs & rolls eyes*

And yeah, I definitely gave it a second chance because it isn't as bad when I read it alone but in a group or something where we are very slow at reading it's terrible. However have you ever read, The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne? I didn't like that book reading it in class or alone. "It's just not my cup of tea."
FreakingPip* 9 years ago
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I've had my fair share of sexist teachers and whatnot. My school is one of those schools that enforces rigid dress codes for girls because it'll be "distracting" for the boy students. I rebelled against it once by wearing a *very modest* tank top and got yelled at twice by this creepy teacher (who, I swear, did not know what "misogyny" meant) and a threat to get a detention. And every time they would test our physical fitness in gym class, the standards were always higher for boys because they were supposed to be "stronger and more athletic." I'm no athlete, but it was still annoying to witness (and this was in elementary school...they were pounding sexist attitudes into our brains at such a young and innocent age!).

And yes, I sorta read The Scarlet Letter. We were supposed to read it in English class, but I had little to no time to read because I was too busy with doing stage crew for the drama club, so I read the whole thing on SparkNotes. The premise for the book is interesting, but I think Hawthorne poorly executed it. It was much longer than it needed to be, and OH MY GOD ENOUGH WITH THE SYMBOLISM ALREADY...
The only part I liked is building an argument that it had feminist elements in it because Hester was so strong and independent and whatnot during this class discussion we had to do about the book

*rolls eyes at sexism and Hawthorne* Stupid sexism. Stupid Hawthorne.
Chii.Bear* 9 years ago
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Ah my school was like that too. I never rebelled against it because I wasn't one to wear tank tops anyways. And yeah, the standards for guys were supposed to be really high, because they were supposed to be stronger, faster, etc. Heck even for some girls it was. I remember fitness testing in elementary & high school. Both were flops for me because ever since I broke my arm in two places I haven't been able to lift much weight or do pull ups or even many push ups because it gives out. I remember having people yell at me for it. And of course I was always one to get stuck with the male teachers or co-teachers. But I DO remember all the guys when they had to do theirs and were pushed to the limits and pretty much had to make a contest out of everything.

Well The Scarlet Letter was published in 1850, so I can kind of understand why it is written the way it is, although there are many authors from that time and before hand who are much better. I personally didn't really read much of the book, but what I did read I disliked so much. As you said, I liked Hester, the feminist elements and how she went about things but it was just too long and SYMBOLISM EVERY WHERE. I hope I won't be like that when I become a teacher.
"Students what is the symbolism of the blue curtains?"
FreakingPip* 9 years ago
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I probably wouldn't have rebelled against the dress codes if it weren't for this announcement that interrupted class one day saying that girls needed to cover up. I was so annoyed that the principals decided it would be a good idea to interrupt everyone's classes to enforce their sexist rules that I decided to wear a tank top the next day (I had to borrow one from my sister because I don't even have any!). And YES, oh my God, the guys make a contest out of everything, even outside of gym class! So annoying. I just hate most things about school. Apart from biology classes, drama club, debate team, and friends, school for me is usually boring or stupid or some combination of the two. Oh well. I've only got two more years...

And, I mean, the blue curtains OBVIOUSLY symbolizes the shame Hester and Dimmesdale felt after their affair, and Chillingworth's undying for revenge against Dimmesdale. ;)
But hey, that's cool that you wanna be a teacher! Do you want to teach English or some other subject?
Chii.Bear* 9 years ago
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Ah I see. Well they told us at the beginning of the year, still the really popular and well known girls who would wear that stuff didn't get in trouble but if someone like me who isn't that well known or popular I would get yelled at to change. But in return of banning tank tops, they also banned muscle shirts and tank tops for guys. However I feel like they could have in forced the whole "no sagging pants" rule more along with the "no crotch shorts" rule as well. I'm honestly glad I don't have to go to high school any more. I only miss about four teachers, who actually cared about me and made a difference. Now I'm in college and have to worry about teachers not giving a crap. xD

I want to teach English in South Korea. But I will most likely teach a year or two here in the States before I go and teach in another country, so I have experience. And, I hopefully will never be one of those teachers who has to ask constantly what the symbolism is. Heck, I'll make them read Harry Potter, that's good literature right there.
FreakingPip* 9 years ago
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Yeah. My school made rules for guys, but never enforced them or cared about them, and outright denied that guys actually break the rules (which, they do...).
And ugh! You're so lucky you're done with high school! I honestly cannot wait to graduate.

I've actually had a few teachers that made symbolism interesting. I really liked my 8th and 9th grade English teachers, and they made the class really fun and easy even though the books we read weren't always fantastic. My 10th grade teacher didn't do that as much, and that was the year where I had to "read" The Scarlet Letter. :/

Good luck teaching abroad! Are you from South Korea, or do you just want to live there someday?
Chii.Bear* 9 years ago
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Originally from America, Caucasian and want to teach in South Korea, I just like their way of living more so than over here. Much more respectable although they do have flaws- as does every country. I just find it fascinating. My music teacher lived there for 3 years. She loves it as well. We talk about kpop, dramas and culture all the time after class. Speaking of since I have her class again this fall I should probably buy her something. lol

Eh, my teachers with symbolism always drove it home. The best English teacher I have ever had, was my neighbor. He was a good teacher, very serious but was nice if you didn't tick him off, he would go into detail about things and ask us tons of questions but would always answer them. My other teachers, not so much. Except my last teacher (senior year) was obsessed with Anglo-Saxon/British literature and we had to read Hamlet & Macbeth. Wouldn't have been terrible if I could have read it alone or if I didn't need to remember the symbolism and stuff. It was quite terrible trying to read it all then trying to guess symbolism.

I was like that too "Ugh I can't wait to graduate," well I'm glad I did, but I miss having constant classes, knowing I would learn things & have a teacher. Instead of showing up to my college classes, no phone calls, no texts and no emails, only to find out class was canceled for that day. And I live an hour away. So that's an hour there and an hour back. :/
I hope to move colleges some day because I need to take a few language classes which, it's difficult to find Korean. But common to find, Japanese & Chinese. :L
FreakingPip* 9 years ago
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Oh, I totally get you with the whole South Korea thing. I probably wouldn't want to live and work abroad, but I really want to study abroad in Europe one day. Preferably England, or maybe The Netherlands. I love the history, the culture, so much about Europe.

I love having English teachers like your neighbor, who ask questions and go into detail like that. My 8th grade English teacher was also my drama teacher for all of middle school, and so reading plays was always fun in her class because we wouldn't just talk about the reading, but also theatre stuff, which I loved. My 9th grade English class was super fun and my teacher is actually something of a family friend of ours (his son was friends with my brother). I'll always remember acting out Romeo & Juliet in that class and using toy lightsabers as swords and desks as the balcony in that class. Ahh, memories.

And yeah, I totally see how frustrating commuting to college would be for you, since it's an hour away. I'm planning on either getting a dorm (despite that it would cost extra...) or going to a school close enough that I can commute with ease. :/
Chii.Bear* 9 years ago
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My music teacher who lived in South Korea visits the UK quite often. (I think it's because her boyfriend lives there. teeeheee) She's there right now until the middle of August. But she's always posting amazing photos on facebook, showing what she's going to eat or where she was that day. Yesterday she went to the Globe Theater. The pictures from inside are amazing, the play she saw was, Antony and Cleopatra. So I think any where in Europe would be exciting to visit. And if you ever want too you could always try and study abroad in different places.

I remember when we had to do Romeo & Juliet, we had to listen to these people on recording read it aloud and it was so slow. But there were some fun parts when my teacher would act out the scenes, however we never got too. Otherwise English class was really boring. It felt like the fun was sucked out of everything. Then again if maybe the teachers made it fun then we would have paid attention more.

Community college, ugh. Haha. Yeah most of my friends and I are only going here for generals then moving schools, but I've seen the struggle with some of my friends having to live in dorms. One, he hated it, because his room mate was a jerk, the people on the campus were too and he was always broke. So he quit and went home, now he's working two different jobs just to afford his rent and not going to school. The sad thing I have found out is that when one takes a break before school they say, "Oh I'll go back sometime." Then they never do, that's happened to a lot of my friends as well. I took a small break, instead of starting for the summer semester I went for the fall semester and now I'm going until I get my degree. Because I know if I take a break most likely I won't go back. & Some advice, just make sure to pick a dorm mate who you can get along with & not get sick of and who will respect you & your space.
FreakingPip* 9 years ago
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Agreed. I have some friends that went to Paris a few months ago and it looked absolutely beautiful! I can't wait to go to Europe someday!! :)

A lot of my friends and I have been looking at similar colleges in hopes that just *maybe* some of us would all get accepted to the same school and be able to possibly dorm together.

And I totally agree about taking a break. I've thought about taking a gap year after graduation, but knowing me, I would always mean to go to college and never actually do it. So I'm not planning on letting myself take breaks, except for summer vacations and whatnot...
Chii.Bear* 9 years ago
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I didn't have much of a summer seeing as how I was taking a speech class for my generals. And I go back in two weeks. I'm not ready. 3 week vacation? Ugh. I wish I had a longer vacation period. Because then I have to start getting up at 6am to be at school before 9am. And it takes me a while to wake up and get out of bed.

I can say, it is good to have friends who go to the same college so you keep in touch and can have someone you are comfortable with in class. But sometimes seeing too much of them can lead to problems. That happened to me in my English class w/one of my friends. We saw each other too often and started to argue, we are just now getting on good terms again. So, beware of that, although I'm sure you probably know that.

And I took a semester break before jumping in. I just think that if I were to be like, "Okay I'm going to take a break and focus on this..." Then I wouldn't ever get back to it. Summer vacations and that I can understand because it is nice to take small breaks.
FreakingPip* 9 years ago
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I'm going back to school in about that same time, too. I'm definitely *not* ready to go back. Ugh, school is always super stressful for me .>:(

Yeah, I'm anticipating that there would be ups and downs to going to college with friends from high school. But right now my worries are more focused on getting into college. I do all sorts of APs and honors and extracurriculars and I *still* think no college will actually take me. I know that's not true, but I get anxious and I have terrible fears of rejection... *sigh*
Chii.Bear* 9 years ago
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I was sick two weeks in the hospital when we were having PSAE & ACT practice. My mother contacted the school and asked for them to send my homework & practice stuff to the office. My mom showed up and they didn't have any of it in the office, for days this went on. So when I got back it was the day of the PSAE/ACT testing. I pretty much got low scores on both of them, because I couldn't get any of the practice material from the teachers. The guidance counselor at my school told me I was too stupid to go to school and I won't go to the colleges I want because they needed a higher ACT score. She told me I could retake it, but I didn't bother and guess what? I'm going to school. And plan on transferring sometime soon. Don't worry about rejection, don't worry about all your honors and extracurriculars because the college I'm going to didn't even look at any of it, so it's possible the one you may go to might not either. I was in band for 8 years, I took 1 year of Spanish and I was on the honor roll quite a few times. Yet they said none of that mattered except what classes I took in school and my GPA. My advice is go to a good local community college for generals, because you don't want to be paying with an arm & a leg for them in a larger more prestigious school. And also if you decide you don't like college you don't want to be out a lot of money. Plus it helps to apply for financial aid and as many scholarships as possible. They pretty much have scholarships for anything.
FreakingPip* 9 years ago
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Yeah. I've looked into a lot of different scholarships. Hopefully I can manage to get those, because paying for college is going to be difficult on my parents. My sister is only a year younger than me so they're going to have two tuitions to pay at once she graduates. I'm not really panicking too too much about college, though. I'm actually kind of looking forward to it...sort of.
Chii.Bear* 9 years ago
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I can say, you have much more freedom and for me, since normally all the classes I have to take last 4 days a week with many breaks in between, it isn't too stressful for me. Just don't put too much on your plate that you can't handle. And I know the struggle, I only have my mom who has to pay to get me through, which normally the Financial Aid helps A TON. So you should look into seeing what you can get from the government, even a little bit of money helps, especially if you just use it to buy books. Since books are very expensive.

It isn't a breeze as everyone makes it out to be but it also isn't terrible. I love having the ability to choose if I want morning or afternoon classes. My advice is avoid evening classes at all costs unless you have to take it. They drain you. Afternoon classes are my favorite because I get to sleep in, then I wake up and eat lunch then go to class.
So far I don't know any of my friends that are on scholarships, except one but I don't think she goes to school any more. But they literally have scholarships for everything, from having red hair to being left handed. xD
FreakingPip* 9 years ago
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Yeah, I've found a lot of unusual scholarships online and whatnot. I don't qualify for the one for short people, because the website it was being offered on said it was only for people who were 4'10" and under...I'm 5'1" (never thought I would be too tall for anything). But I'll look. There must be *something* that I could get a scholarship for.

I don't have red hair nor am I left-handed, but do you think that if maybe I dyed my hair and ...? Nah. Too much work XD
Chii.Bear* 9 years ago
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Haha, I don't think that would work. I'm sure they would ask for your birth certificate or something to see if you were actually red headed (which would be totally awesome if you could have pulled it off anyways.) And my friend ended up getting a scholarship for the "left handed people." You aren't much shorter than me! I'm 5'4. Yet I think I'm shorter because my friends who are that tall are taller than me. Yay for short people! And, coloring your hair red, ehh, it's hard to keep up when your roots grow quickly. I remember once I colored my (brown) hair red and it was almost neon red & when it was supposed to fade it didn't, so my hair was like a gradient. Roots were brown, hair was red, tips were a brown-red color. I vowed never to get that hair dye again. lol

I remember my mom telling me there was one for Native Americans, to prove that you had ancestry. Which I do, but my mom said, "Ah, too much work to go through and try to prove it..." So I didn't apply. Though, I do think it would be a lot of work & possibly time wasted since documents were lost. Especially since it was like the, 1600s-1800s?

I also remember my senior year this really big scholar ship was for people who liked the same gender and these boys who were heterosexual, paired up and started acting homosexual to hope and get the scholar ship. Which they never did, thank god because it went to someone at a different school who was actually homosexual. Even if these two boys I know won it. I would probably have said something about how they weren't homosexual and just doing it for the scholarship. Which wasn't fair to people at my school who actually were homosexual, like a couple of my friends (who didn't apply for it.)
Chii.Bear* 9 years ago
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You'll find something! I promise! If not there are always other ways. Still you have some time before then so just do your best in school now and worry about college when time gets closer.
FreakingPip* 9 years ago
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Yeah, I'm starting junior year next September, and so my school likes to nag us relentlessly about SATs and careers and how it's imperative that we do well in these years and whatnot. It's the same speech every time and it's been that way since middle school for me. Apparently there's going to be a scholarship offered to people that went to the elementary school I went to. So even though elementary school was alienating and traumatizing with its horrid lack of nice people to befriend, various childhood embarrassments, mean girls, stupid teachers, getting picked last in gym, etc., I may still actually get something out of it. Which is...comforting, I suppose.

And yay, short people! Yeah, I have very few short friends, and so I'm always "the short one" in my friend groups. Since high school, though, I've managed to find more people that are my height, which is nice. Definitely less alienating.

I've thought about dying my hair, but maybe doing streaks and something not-so permanent. Like, with hair chalk. That way, I can do some crazy colors and let it wash out in a day or two.

Yeah, my ancestry is kinda strange. 50% Italian and 50% of some unknown mix of heritage. Ugh. The Native American scholarship would have been really cool to get for you, but I guess it might not have been worth it to try and dig up all those papers. There's a girl I know who I'm friendly with and she has this certificate that proves that she does have Native American heritage, which is really awesome, I think.

I would never pretend I was homosexual just for a scholarship. I would feel weird doing that and then having one of my female friends pose as my girlfriend and it would be dishonest and...yeah...
Chii.Bear* 9 years ago
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Well that's nice they offer that for you guys! Our was like, "Lol apply for your own." Instead of them giving one for being a member of that school district for a long time. I have a few friends shorter than me, but not too much shorter.

Make sure with hair chalk that you seal it with hair spray. I don't recommend Hot Huez unless you have very light hair. Even on the bleached parts of my brown hair (which are blonde now) hot huez didn't show up well, at all.

That's amazing that your friend was able to get one of those certificates or card (whatever it is) I've heard they are really, really difficult to get. I would personally love to get one that way it proves I do have a NA heritage but I'll possibly wait until I'm older. And, so far all I know is that I'm from a Pottawatomie/Ottawa tribe, ancestor is Che Che Pin Qua (which meant "the squinter" or "blinking eye") his English name is Alexander Robinson. And then I have some sort of Scottish, Irish and English mixed in some how. However I haven't found out anything about that side! And Italian's are so pretty, I want to visit Italy some day.

& I would never pretend to be homosexual for a scholarship either, it is dishonest. And I would feel guilty if I actually got it and I wasn't homosexual.
FreakingPip* 9 years ago
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Yeah, I suppose it is kinda nice that they do that for us. Although, it's only certain elementary schools in our district...

I've read a lot about hair chalk and whatnot online, so yeah. If I ever do it, I'll absolutely remember to seal it. I probably won't use Hot Huez, in that case, considering that I have dirty-blonde-ish hair...

And that's so cool that you even know that much about your ancestry! How'd you manage to find out about your ancestor/the meaning of his name/his English name.
And you say Italians are pretty, but most of my genes are from the non-Italian side of my family. So my physical attractiveness we say questionable?
Chii.Bear* 9 years ago
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Well I'm sure you're pretty regardless, I should have elaborated. I find anything from other cultures fascinating, especially Italy & most Asian Countries. I have a few friends who are half Italian and half something else. Most go and visit Italy during the summer, I'm extremely jealous! & Mostly around here people are French, Polish, German, English and rarely any with Irish, Scottish or Native American backgrounds although every one claims to have one. My aunt and uncle did some research and brought what they had found to the family reunion before. Mostly they went off of what my grandpa had told them and they had to look for the people he had mentioned in his stories, which they said wasn't an easy thing to do. But we still aren't sure on somethings, like who exactly he is to us, uncle, cousin, grandfather, etc?

If you ever want to try and know about yours, you could ask someone in your family for a few relative names and then if you have permission, you can buy a membership to ancestry. Then you can see if they have you on there, it may take a long time to find exactly who you are looking for but it should be there.
Also if you want to know what else you "are," I guess I could say, you can order the $100 DNA testing. Where you scrape at your cheek sells or spit in a vile and send it in to ancestry and then you will get a paper or chart (something) in the mail telling you that, "Oh you are also, Irish, Scottish, etc." However I think $100 is too expensive. I want to do it someday, but for now that can wait. xD

Plus I would say my physical attractiveness is questionable as well. Like I'm not ugly, but I'm not like super gorgeous. I'm average, I guess?
FreakingPip* 9 years ago
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Yeah. I am totally fascinated with ancestry and genetics and whatnot, so I probably will do an investigation regarding my family history someday...I really wanna do the cheek swab thing, although it only traces your same- ancestry. So I would want to force my little brother to do it so I would know my ancestry on both sides of the family, and not just my mothers... :/
Chii.Bear* 9 years ago
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Ah I didn't know about that same- ancestry. Poo.. I don't have any close brothers to try that with. I wish you luck on trying to get both sides!

And I'm sorry I haven't replied. I forgot about it, then life kind of took hold of the reigns. I start school on Monday. *gasp* I kind of don't want to go because I have to get up pretty early and I'm always a difficult person to get active in the morning.
FreakingPip* 9 years ago
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Oh, it's fine you haven't responded! I was very busy myself. I don't start school in two weeks, but I still had summer assignments that I was struggling to finish on time.

And I totally agree with you. I hate getting up early for school...I am NOT a morning person. Last year, after I woke up, I would be tired for my first three classes. Luckily they were all really easy classes, so it didn't matter too much :)
lauralove 9 years ago
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OMG! I love BigBang (:
δΌ€* 1 decade ago
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omg your whole account is perf
and i finally found another kpop fan on witty hehe.
sexxychickk 1 decade ago
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I like the picture of your eye (: !
Chii.Bear* 1 decade ago
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Thanks! xD
nevercutyourbeautiful 1 decade ago
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If you ,
have an eatting disorder
dealing with bullying
or a bully
suicidal thought
family issues
or anxity.
Or even ANYTHING you wanna talk about or get off your chest
Im here for you.
thats what this account is for.
My goal in life is to save a life.
Stay Strong and Dream Big Beautiful!
also please dont reply, please comment on my profile:)
i cant see them
OhTeenQuotess 1 decade ago
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Hey :) Do you mind voting for "luc-i-d" here: it would mean so much <3 Thanks! If you ever need anything in return just ask!
xxcandycakesxx 1 decade ago
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No problem:) And it's good that your friends worry about you. It means they genuinely care! That's right, stay strong and you will get through anything life throws your way<3
SmilesForMiles 1 decade ago
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right. haha yeah parents can be... parents haha
JeMiNe2016 1 decade ago
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Ugh. U win. Just try to have some FUN in your life
JeMiNe2016 1 decade ago
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That's how my fair is. Make the best of it. U 2 can laugh at how the drunks are acting. I think that you r a teenager until you start getting serious in college. Plus aren't u a senior? Make it worthwhile
JeMiNe2016 1 decade ago
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Go. It will be fun. You need to enjoy being a teenager. We all grow up to fast I think
JeMiNe2016 1 decade ago
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If that's the case just entertain your friend. Who knows maybe this kid will be different. Keep me posted. K?
funkyoctopus121 1 decade ago
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thanks :)
SmilesForMiles 1 decade ago
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Cool! Yeah thanks for giving me some other info about those tattoos. I like all of them! I really do! So do you have any idea of which one you are most likely getting or top 3 faves or something?
jessiduh 1 decade ago
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I'm getting my cousin whose a cosmentologist to do it c: He does it correctly. My sister could too, but she's back in my home state and didn't move with us :c
That happened to my friend with the same brand... O.o
GabyMm 1 decade ago
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thanks for the follow C: ahha yea i thought the same when i saw your quote i got so happy XD
xxcandycakesxx 1 decade ago
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Thanks for the follow!!!xx
the1975* 1 decade ago
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Thank you for following !
I followed back. :)
EmilyStyles 1 decade ago
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Vas Happenin?? :) Follow back?