
Joined: July 6, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 191101
  There is a girl with wavy, thick, black hair,
she is jamican but was brought up in The U.S. She is a christian.
Her chocaloate orbs shine when she smiles yet they aren't considered a beautiful feature. She is bullied by many, and doesn't believe herself to have any beauty, she thinks she is untalented. This is the truth.
She has been told to have low self esteem. She's independent. She has few close friends but many people surrounding her. She finds it extremely difficult to trust anyone.
She blows out her candles on 17th of February.
She's original, you may find her strange, some find her annoying or weird but she knows who she is...she is herself, nobody else.
She can pack a punch so you should be warned not to get on her bad side. She's faced more hurt than you can imagine. She can be your best friend, but also your worst nightmare. She's young, a lot younger than you'd expect her to be...and her name?
Her name is Nicole