
Status: Aim for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land among stars
Joined: January 20, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 347121
Location: The Chamber of Secrets
Gender: F

Hi. I'm awkward.. :D I'm just your everyday, average fourteen year old girl, who's in pursuit of happiness. Hopefully, I'll find it one day...

I blow out the candles on 5th December and these past fourteen years, I've been through a lot.. So if you ever need any advice, I'm here for you. We can get through it together.

This is my third account on Witty; I've been here a lot longer than you think..

I am absolutely, totally and utterly crazy. Just like most people on here ;)
I LOVE Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift; they are absolute perfection.
Harry Potter is my life. I am part of the Potter generation and the magic will live in me forever.
Spongebob is my guilty pleasure. People always compare me to Patrick, and to be honest, I agree with them :')
I spend all my time on the internet.. Evidently xD

So... yeah. That's me.
If you liked what you read, I would sincerely appreciate it if you headed up north to click that blue button :)
But honestly, I'm not here for follows or faves. I'm here because I want to inspire and motivate people with my quotes, and hopefully, I will.
So now you're done reading this, you can keep scrolling down to have a look at some of the things that get me through life :)
I hope they'll help you, too.

Love always x

In_Pursuit_Of_Happiness's Favorite Quotes


I killed a girl. She was nice, shy and full of life.
She had tons of friends and everyone loved her.
She didn't deserve to die.
I killed her a little more each day until she was finally gone.
I cut her wrists and bruised her skin.
I starved her of food and called her fat.
The sad thing is, no one even tried to stop me.
I didn't do it by myself though, lots of people helped.
It's too late now, she is never coming back.
I do regret killing her, but what's done is done.
The funny thing is, the girl I killed used to be me.

my format, follow me, mwah:*

We're literally random people around the world sitting on the internet
telling bad jokes to each other. Why is this the most important thing I've got going on?
Do you ever hate someone so much, but you don't even have a valid
reason? You're just like, no.
Teacher: Where is your homework?
Me: Where is Ed Sheeran's Grammy?
My parents lied to me.
Talking to strangers on the internet was, like the best decision of my life.
This quote does not exist.
If a smile can make a picture beautiful, then imagine how beautiful your life could be if you just...SMILE :)
This quote does not exist.
"Pity the living, and, above all, those who live without love."

- Albus Dumbledore
This quote does not exist.
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