
Joined: January 25, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 267733
Hello babes(: Okay, so first off, you are ALL beautiful, no matter what. You always have been, and always will be. ui'll help any of you, only if you want it, though. And, um, I guess I should tell you a little about myself. I'm Jordan, I'm 16, and I'm helplessly in love with my boyfriend, Taylor(: PS, I'm gay. So, yeah. That's pretty much it.
Never, ever, lose hope, or your barbies. -Kendall, my little sister - Profile Counters <3 Profile Counters

Jordan550's Favorite Quotes

Today, my teacher gave us a piece of paper he asked us to crinkle it up.
After we had crinkled it all up he told us to straighten it out & make it perfect
again. Some of us tried to but realized that its pretty much impossible. He
laughed at us and said "Now sticks & stones might break your bones
but i've learned that words can destroy a person. And you may not
realize but one little comment you say to someone at school,in class, or
at home, it stays with them forever. They will start to believe that what you said
is true and it will crinkle them up just like this paper, and no matter what you
say you can never make itperfect again. Think before you speak."


Why I don't like people:

1% Logical reason.
99%  I just dont...


Dear Parents,
yes, im studying 
your hardworking children 

when you've waited
a long time for a text

and all it says is something stupid.
like "k."

nmq:) follow me, i follow back:)-jimmy365



 the people I care the most about over & over again.

 living with those mistakes causes me more pain than

  I    e v e r    c a e d    t h e m 



YouMy Dear,

are mentally insane if you think I value your opinion of me in 

any  way,  shape,  or  form




I didn't wanna lose you..
Than why didn't you make an effort to keep me?



PeoplHurt Me
 & it brings out an       ugly side of me that  neveknew existed   


In school
we learn the lesson before we take the test.
in life
we take the test before we learn the lesson... 

DYoKnow That
moment  when  you  see  the  last  car  drive  down the street & you're
finally  home  alone?  that's the moment that I let it all out.  I drop my
fake smile, I scream at the top of my lungs,  I hopelessly curl up in a
ball in the middle of my living room & cry  as  hard  as  I  possibly  can.
I  hesitate  at  first  because  I'm afraid someone will come rushing into
the  room  &  ask  what's  wrong,   but  that's  when  I  remember  I'm
 physically    just    as    alone    as    I    mentally    feel    all    the   time.

it's mfavorite part of the day