
Status: I want to hold someone
Joined: March 1, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 351764
Location: In my room, cold and lonely
Gender: M
Hello Beautifuls!
My name is Jordan Haans
I am single as a bee
I love you and you love me!
More pictures of me!

Hey my sexy stripper ;)
Its you're rainbow poppy ;p
Lol, follow this guy because he i so perf
and I LOVE HIM<333

S0, yeah:)

Me --> Joshii
Me --> Joshii
Me --> Joshii


JordanHaans69's Favorite Quotes


Don't no one disturb the peace for riot
Don't no one disrupt nirvanna
Don't no one wanna blow the high


"If we build a house in paradise, will we get to heaven still?
If we don't have to live through Hell just to get to heaven
I'ma stay right here, with you, 'til the hurricane comes
'Til the tsunami comes, I've found my golden"

I've got 3 lives
balanced on my head
like steak knives


All I wanted to do is say that you were mine

This quote does not exist.
This quote does not exist.
During Track Practice
Me: *standing with Kris*
Kris: *standing with me*
Jacob: Check it out, it's my shotput, Bertha
Kris: *takes Bertha*
Jacob: Yeah that hoe weighs 12 pounds
Me: *dies*
Kris: *dies*
This quote does not exist.

Darker times

They're telling boulder heavier lies

Looks like all we've got is each other

the truth is obsolete


silent moments, medatative poses

You break my focus, you make me laugh