
Joined: July 12, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 193845

Josh. 15. Florida. Taken. Alison <3
KINGDOM HEARTS... Enough said. :]

[ Btw, for whoever wants me to put up a pic of me on my own or with Alison,
I'm not going to yet. Neither of us are comfortable with putting up pictures of
ourselves on the Internet. So for now, you can just enjoy one of my favourite
Kingdom Hearts pictures... Hehe, I'm a nerd. :P - Josh ]


JoshLovesYou's Favorite Quotes

 Special Talented Unique Person In Dreamland

This quote does not exist.


When i was little

i connected markers together 
to make a sword.

♥ ]

Today, I found out there is now a new "tween" Dora.
I'm wondering what she is going to be exploring now...


How to freak people out #2

1. empty a mayonaise bottle
2. fill it with vinilla pudding, fluff, etc
3. & eat it w/ a spoon in public


I  d i e  a  l i t t l e  inside

 Every time I see
 on a test. 

When Taylor Swift gets married 
her wedding will be more popular than
 England's Will & Kate


got dumped today.

the little girl I am babysitting for asked me
what was wrong and I told her. She looked
at me and said, "Why would anyone ever
break up with you? You're so nice. Should
we have ice cream now?" She made my
whole day.