
Joined: September 30, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 222433

Quotes by KelsieLou

My boyfriend just asked me
the most cutest question
ever! he asked me this
'do you wanna get
married when
we're 19?


 follow for follow!


1) Introduce yourself with a lyric.
2) Describe your relationship status.
3) Who are the most important people in your life?
4) List of your 3 favorite movies
5)What annoys you more than anything?
6)What's your favorite book?
7) Describe your personality with five words.
8) What do you do for education/work?
9) What's your favorite TV show?
10) List all the people you have slept with by their initials.
11) How many quotes have you made so far?
12) What would you like to do in the next ten years?
i missed two days, so here we go..


i have many important people in my life!
too many to list :-)


favourtie movies.. mhmm, i don't
really know :$.....


people say..

'you are what you eat'


cause you're a dick

Be honest. think real hard. post your answers

1. Full name; Kelsie Louise Sweetman
2. Nickname; Don't really have one
3. Zodiac sign; Taurus
4. Elementary school; what's elementary :$?
5. Fav. Color; blue and pink
6. Birthday; 28th of April
7. Hair Color; Blonde
8. Tall or short Tall
9. Sweats or jeans;Jeans
10. Orange or apple;Orange
11. Do you have a crush on someone; no, i'm in love :)
12. Eat or drink; eat
13. Piercings; ear lobes, two on the top of my left ear and belly button&getting second holes tomorrow:)
14. Pepsi or coke; NONE! l

Have you ever...
16. Been in an airplane? no
17. Been in a relationship? Yeah
18. Been in a car accident? No
19. Been in a fist fight? no

Firsts & lasts...
20. First piercing; ears
21. First best friend; don't know haha
22. First award; idk..
23. First Love; hmm..
24. First word; i have no idea
25. Last person you talked to in person; my sister
26. Last person you texted; i have no phone :'(
27. Last friend you watched a movie with; dunno :)
28. Last food you ate; chips and curry
29. Last movie you watched in theaters; not sure haa
30. Last song you listened to; don't know :P
31. Last thing you bought; a teddy
32. Last person you hugged; james kerry

33. Food? LASAGNE!
34. Drink? water&lucozade
35. Flower? don't know ahah
36. Animal? cat
37. Color? blue and pink
38. Place? i'm not sure..
39. Movie? lots
40. Subject? Free lessons;D

Have you ever ...
41. Fallen in love with someone? Yes * BEST FEELING EVER*
42. Celebrated Halloween? no
43. Went over the minutes/texts on your phone? have no phoneee.
44. Wanted to smack someone upside the head? eh:L?
45. Eaten a whole pizza? nope
46. Did something you regret? yes..
48. Hid a secret? yup ..
49. Pretend to be happy?yes

Your future...
50. Want kids? yes
51. Want to get married? yes
52. Career?not sure:/

Which is better in the opposite gender?
53. Lips or eyes; eyes
54. Shorter or taller; taller
55. Romantic or spontaneous; romantic
56. Hook up or relationship; relationship
57. Looks or personality; personality :)

Have you ever...
59. Snuck out?no
60. Held a gun/knife for self defense? no :L
61. Broke someones heart? no :P
62. Been in love? Yes :) i am atm :*
63. Been arrested? no

Do you believe in...
64. Yourself; i try
65. Miracles; no
66. Love at first sight; yes :) expecienced it
67. Santa; used to.
68. Forever & Always; yes

69. Is there one person you want to be with right now; yes, GETH<3
70. Who your real friends are; TYLER <3

Be honest. think real hard. post your answers

1. Full name; Kelsie Louise Sweetman
2. Nickname; Don't really have one
3. Zodiac sign; Taurus
4. Elementary school; what's elementary :$?
5. Fav. Color; blue and pink
6. Birthday; 28th of April
7. Hair Color; Blonde
8. Tall or short Tall
9. Sweats or jeans;Jeans
10. Orange or apple;Orange
11. Do you have a crush on someone; no, i'm in love :)
12. Eat or drink; eat
13. Piercings; ear lobes, two on the top of my left ear and belly button&getting second holes tomorrow:)
14. Pepsi or coke; NONE! l

Have you ever...
16. Been in an airplane? no
17. Been in a relationship? Yeah
18. Been in a car accident? No
19. Been in a fist fight? no

Firsts & lasts...
20. First piercing; ears
21. First best friend; don't know haha
22. First award; idk..
23. First Love; hmm..
24. First word; i have no idea
25. Last person you talked to in person; my sister
26. Last person you texted; i have no phone :'(
27. Last friend you watched a movie with; dunno :)
28. Last food you ate; chips and curry
29. Last movie you watched in theaters; not sure haa
30. Last song you listened to; don't know :P
31. Last thing you bought; a teddy
32. Last person you hugged; james kerry

33. Food? LASAGNE!
34. Drink? water&lucozade
35. Flower? don't know ahah
36. Animal? cat
37. Color? blue and pink
38. Place? i'm not sure..
39. Movie? lots
40. Subject? Free lessons;D

Have you ever ...
41. Fallen in love with someone? Yes * BEST FEELING EVER*
42. Celebrated Halloween? no
43. Went over the minutes/texts on your phone? have no phoneee.
44. Wanted to smack someone upside the head? eh:L?
45. Eaten a whole pizza? nope
46. Did something you regret? yes..
48. Hid a secret? yup ..
49. Pretend to be happy?yes

Your future...
50. Want kids? yes
51. Want to get married? yes
52. Career?not sure:/

Which is better in the opposite gender?
53. Lips or eyes; eyes
54. Shorter or taller; taller
55. Romantic or spontaneous; romantic
56. Hook up or relationship; relationship
57. Looks or personality; personality :)

Have you ever...
59. Snuck out?no
60. Held a gun/knife for self defense? no :L
61. Broke someones heart? no :P
62. Been in love? Yes :) i am atm :*
63. Been arrested? no

Do you believe in...
64. Yourself; i try
65. Miracles; no
66. Love at first sight; yes :) expecienced it
67. Santa; used to.
68. Forever & Always; yes

69. Is there one person you want to be with right now; yes, GETH<3
70. Who your real friends are; TYLER <3



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