
Joined: December 26, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 142061
I play lax n gymnastics n ask me mor if u wanna no

Lacrossegirl14's Favorite Quotes

You are the best thing that's ever been mine♥
                                                                                                                       -Taylor Swift 


The best time to wear a
striped sweaterrrr
i s a l l t h e t i m e

Does anyone else notice that Freddie from iCarly always says little phrases in Spanish at the most awkward times?

Fave if you live in the North East and can't see out your window

Dear Skittles Producers,

"Taste the Rainbow?" Obviously your don't understand what a "rainbow" looks like. 

                                                                        Sincerely, the Blue Skittle

           That rush of sadness that hits you when you realize....................

                That was your last present to open.

                                             *Am I the only one that happens to??*
That moment
[when you hear your mom scream your name across the house]

And think to yourself...
"What did i do now?"
This quote does not exist.
Awkward moment. . .
----- > When you try to wave to someone, but they don't see you, so you just stand there awkwardly waving.
-not my boarder.