no one *

Joined: October 29, 2012
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 336546
Gender: F

Quotes by no one *

I have a boyfriend and we have been dating for a couple months and i know he likes me and stuff but i just wonder why he is with me and likes me all the time and like i dont want to lose him but i feel like i am going to becasue of how insecure i am and like i feel like im just boring and he will get tired of me and i dont know i need somewhere to vent and i dont know what to do. like i havent liked someone in two years and i never let anyone in and now that i have found someone that makes me this happy it freaks me out. he is the only one that makes me feel like i am not alone and he makes me feel like he actually cares about me and stufff. and im sorry this is long and i know not a  lot of people aren't reading this and stuff i jiust need somewhere where my brain can write down everything it is thinking because oh my god i love this guy and all i want to do is make him happy but what if i cant do that. he seems so sad all the time and i dont know what i can do to make him feel better becasue i dont even know how to make myself feel better. 
out of everyone why would someone, expesially someone like you, pick someone like me 
Because no matter how many times you say you like me, I still don't believe you, because how can someone like me when I don't even like myself.. 
I didn't know I was the jealous type until I met you. 
I wanna know but I don't want to ask...

Are you ever in a bad mood for no reason, and that makes you in an even worse mood?? 


He makes 

me feel 

some type 

of way 



okay this weekend was perfect, like perfect. that is all. perfect. no other word describes it. 
I haven't been on here in a while. It has probably been about a year and a half, and I have changed so much. I never felt like anybody cared about what I had to say, and I would just type to type, and that was okay with me. this is a place where I can go and just type to type and I don't care if it makes sense, because who reads my post anyway? I'm hoping I write on here more.. because I've missed it. 
"The best way to not get your hear broken, is to pretend that you don't have one.."