
Status: Bored
Joined: December 26, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 343478
Location: Ireland
Gender: F
HEY, I'm Léa, I'm 15 from Ireland! 

Quotes by LeaBia14

ADMIT IT. You've googled yourself before.
I love being in that mood where everything is hilarious.
I have a smart phone with a dumb battery.
Laughing at the face on the tv when you pause it.
That moment of joy when you see your food coming at a restaurant
Eating Popcorn 80% During the trailers 20% During the movie
'So are you athletic?' 'Yeah I am actually, I surf the web'
I love listening to lies when I know the truth...
that awkward amount of time when people are singing 'Happy Birthday' to you and you dont know what to do.
Watching something by yourself: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH GOD! Showing it to friends: Wait guys, it gets really funny, don't worry.