
Status: Love My Friends<3
Joined: December 8, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 341385
Location: My Heart<3
Gender: F

LiveHappy0419's Favorite Quotes

One year ago,
I was just a girl lost,hurt,scared, and trying to find her way in this crazy world.
Now 186 qoutes,53 followers,3062 favs,and many mistakes later...
I found who I am. I'm not afraid to be myself. I made friends,lost friends,and remaid friends. Witty has changed me, for the better. 

Thank you steve.


Twenty Days untill the end of the world.
 Let's make these last twenty days count.


Dont actually think w have twenty days just liked this :)

"You need a boyfriend."

No, what I need is faster internet connection.

One year ago,
I actually had life outside of my house, I had friends, and I wasn't a socially awkward potato.
Now 214 Quotes, 133 followers, 861 favs,and many AwkoTaco moments later...
Im a socially awkward potato who lives on a chair 24 hours a day, and crys over 5 boys who don't know I exist.
and I have for a whole year today. 

Thank you steve.


Things You Never Say #37

" You smell like B O, can I have a hug?"

This quote does not exist.

Why do I talk to myself?

That's easy. 'Cause other people are stupid, and I'm a sexy beast.

Me: I'm just gonna check my Witty before bed..
Me: Is that the sun?

Stop and stare

I think I'm moving, but I go nowhere.

Yeah, I know that everyone gets scared,

but I've become what I can't be.

Oh, do you see what I see?