
Joined: August 19, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 209122




Comment me telling me you did so

and Ill do the same (:

Hi my name is Maddison, & I'm thirteen. I'm new to this site, and I have like no followers, so if you could follow me, it would be great. I'll follow back. I like making new friends, so comment me so we can talk? OH and follow my sister Chellsey

my heart♥
»will go on

MaddieRae98's Favorite Quotes


i wish
someone could be so romantic 

and ask me out
one valentines day

fave if you want this



 Do you think its wrong?
  For your bestfriend to date your ex?

fave if you do.

Format: twilightgirl995

I wish my friend's houses
  were connected to mine,  via secret tunnels.


Am i the only one who
  still wakes up extremely early on Christmas morning?
This quote does not exist.

ChellseysAdvice here;

If you ever need some advice on boys, drama at school, best friends,
ex best friends, deaths, family problems, ANYTHING, you can come to me.
I've dealt with it all. & at all those times the only person who was there for me, was myself, and I got through all of it all on my own, I'll be able to help you with anything.

If you want to talk to me somewhere more personal than here,
my email is

If you email me, be sure to comment me telling me you did,
and give me your email so I know it's you.

I'll answer right away!
Stay strong, beautiful♥

ChellseysAdvice here;

If you ever need some advice on boys, drama at school, best friends,
ex best friends, deaths, family problems, ANYTHING, you can come to me.
I've dealt with it all. & at all those times the only person who was there for me, was myself, and I got through all of it all on my own, I'll be able to help you with anything.

If you want to talk to me somewhere more personal than here,
my email is

If you email me, be sure to comment me telling me you did,
and give me your email so I know it's you.

I'll answer right away!
Stay strong, beautiful♥


Hey babe

Who is this? Sorry, I lost all my contacts.
Your boyfriend<3




S h i t.


11 years ago......
My grandpa was diagnosed with cancer. 
I am thankful that he is fine now.
if you actually care & are against cancer, then fave this! 
Thank You! 

This quote does not exist.