
Joined: June 5, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 362217
Gender: F
Im maddy. Nothing special really. Maybe i like this roller coaster maybe it keeps me high.. Lana  lover<3  :* bye

MaddyCN's Favorite Quotes

I just wish I was somebody else.

Shoutout to the Sprouse twins
for being the only Disney stars that didn't start a singing career~

Lick your lips 3 times
blink once, and keep your eyes wide open until you fave this quote.

I bet you will sneeze or yawn.

"Despite everything, I believe that
people are really good at heart."

-Anne Frank


          There are no happy endings.
            Endings are the saddest part.
               So just give me a happy middle
and a very happy start.