
Joined: June 11, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 181979

MagicRockets's Favorite Quotes

Parents:Who are you texting?
Parents:Who are you calling?
Parents:Who are you chatting with?
Me:Jake from State Farm.
Me: Who made the first fruitstand?
Mom: I don't know, who?
Me: Eve.
Mom: Why?
Me:  'Cause she made Adam's banana stand.
Me: ....
Mom:  The real world isn't ready for you, go back to your computer.

Did you hear Adele is pregnant? 
Well, I guess someone has been rolling in her deep.


lol, its okay.  
You only f/cking broke me.


-Format credit to ThatsSoMeee

So wait....
When my parents played peek a boo with me when I was a kid..

They didn't actually disappear?


me: *calls grocery store* do you have cotton balls?
guy on phone: yes.
me: does it tickle when you walk?
guy on phone: *click*

You better  
take good care of your eyes, because they're
the only balls you've got.

-Format credit to ThatsSoMeee

How To Freak People Out #1  
run into a random crowd, hug the first person you see and scream, "I TOLD YOU I'D GET OUT OF PRISON!!"
comment if you think i should make a series, im not doing this for likes i just want to know if anyone would actually read it :)



Boy:I wanna be a superhero guess my name
Yes Dad,every guy I know is my boyfriend-_-