
Status: I'm not okay. (I promise) c:
Joined: February 15, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 274382
Location: Ireland
Gender: F




My Chemical Romance | Pierce the Veil | Paramore | All Time Low | Sleeping With Sirens
| Green Day | A Day To Remember |
Bring me The Horizon | Fall Out Boy |

30 Seconds To Mars


Taylor Swift | Avril Lavigne | P!nk | Demi Lovato | Selena Gomez | Ed Sheeran

The Fault in Our Stars | The Hunger Games | Girl, missing | Blood Ties | The Perks Of Being A wall flower | Falling Fast |

Fav Songs atm.
A match into water (PTV) | King For a Day (PTV) | Backseat Serenade (ATL) | Bulletproof Love (PTV) | The World Is Ugly (MCR) | Hold on till May (PTV) | Hell Above (PTV) | Can you feel my heart (BMTH) | A Love like War (ATL ft Vic) | Backseat Serenade (ATL)

I kissed her scars on her skin, I still think you're beautiful.
My love for you was bulletproof, but you're the one who shot me.
Stay Beautiful.
Nothing is worth taking your life, do you hear me?
Never result to violence.
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, it's about how to dance in the rain.
Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?
Stay Beautiful, Keep it ugly.
Scream, untill there's nothing left.
I love the feeling to not feel at all.

I have too many to even list, there's loads. I love you all, thank you for all your support and I love yous. So, so, so, soo much. xo

Bands (obvs) | Wrist Bands/bracelets | Band Tees | Posters | Witty Profiles | Singing | Music | Internet | Cats | Food | Hair | Clothes | Reading | Friends | Being Alone | Hugs | Eyes | Quotes | Pineapple | Phil & Dan
| Phan | Frerard | FanFictions | Guitar | Piano | Being Happy | Food | Nutella | Internet faces | Typing | Earrings | Movies | Perfume | Mascara | Drawing

School | Spiders | Being Sad | Attention Seekers | Justin Bieber | When People call me Molly (my name is Niamh)

My name is Niamh. c:





Quotes by NyanCah

we are all searching for someone whose demons play well with ours.


she wears short skirts
I wear band shirts

who else should be studying right now

So, on Saturday, my friend decided to share her opinion. 

I'm not saying she's completely wrong, or shes stupid, I just wanted to know what yous think.

I was in her room, and we weren't really talking about anything, just hanging out, blah.

Then she suddenly comes out with 
'Anorexic people are so stupid.'

I was actually- I don't even know.

I just couldn't believe she said that.

I asked her why.

'I just think they're stupid. And people who are depressed. Like, everyone has something good in their lives.'

I asked her about like losing a loves one, otehr situation etc. She just kept saying
they're all stupid.

And, there was this girl in our old class, who used to cut. I asked her what she thought about her.
She said she was stupid.

So, since she gave her opinion without being asked,
feel free to share your opinion, in the comments box.
Thank you.

*gets hit by car*

*gets rushed to hospital*

*goes into coma*

*wakes up 20 years later*

*weakly reaches out hand*

*hoarsly whispers*

is mcr back yet

nm tumblr ~

Tell me how you feel  over and done with,  
»How you life is a a map with no compass«


I'm the type of girl who would
much rather talk about her favourite band
more than anything else


A year.
I didn't know what to say.

All thfightstears,
I never wanted it to end like this.
I hope it's nice where you are.

And it's a beautiful day.
And something reminds you,



© format coded by: br0kenwings
Please don't remove this!


wweron top of the worl
b a c k  w h e n  I  w a s    
y o u r   g i r l

what do you do when your bestfriend likes the same person you like like seriosuly why does this happen