
Joined: June 13, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 308345

Hi Guys,
Always remember your are

Hey guys! :)
My name is Emily and I'm 14 years old.
Ihave been going on witty for a while now and have just been reading quotes and stories. but I have inly just officially made an account (I love the stories on here).
So I'm currently writing a story called Happy Ever Afters?
Please have a read and if you like it fave and coomment if you want a reminder for the next chapter :)
Love you all Em.


Comments to OnTheOtherSide

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Snowflakes113 1 decade ago
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Ciao bellas!
I know you've heard this a million times before, but I'm so sorry.
I think when I started this story, I wasn't aware of how hectic school would make it for me to keep up with it. I wasn't ready for the responsibility of posting and notifying every single day, and that wasn't fair to any of you. I'm sorry for that.
But now it's Christmas break, and I'M FINISHING THE STORY.
I'm going to be writing furiously and posting more than one chapter a day. I'll notify you once a day after I've posted all of the chapters I will be posting for that day.
And to prevent this from happening again (these long periods of time where I disappear) I'm also going to start my next story and pre-write it before I post any chapters. That way, I won't have to worry about making time to post! Sound good? Thank you all for still wanting to read, and I understand if some of you don't.
So I figured I'd do a quick recap of what's been going on in the story since I haven't posted in so long:
-Val's parents have just separated
-Her sister is still missing; nothing new has been heard of
-Ben has feelings for Val, but she is unaware of this
-They've kissed a few times, despite her still being with Danny, and Val hasn't told Danny because she thinks they're just accidents that mean nothing to either of them, and it isn't worth hurting Danny or their relationship over.
-The play will be taking place at the mid-year mark (mid-January)
-Brooke moved to Australia

If anyone has any questions or is confused because they don't remember something, feel free to ask me!
So how is everyone's Christmas break going? I'm so excited. Mainly to sleep, but I'm excited to get to write too! (;
I just got a new dress and cool patterned tights for Christmas and I can't wait to wear it! Woot woot! Do you guys have anything fun planned for Christmas?

Anyways, without further a due, I present to you chapter 28!

yourgirlxo13 1 decade ago
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what's cookin', goodlookin'?
Are you from Tennesse? cause you the only TEN-I-SEE (;
haha okay I'm done.
SOOOO how are you, gorgeous? I hope you are fantastic, but if not, maybe this will cheer you up: The final chapter (before the epilogue) of Summer Love is up!
Please tell me what you think, I looooveeee feedback!
thanks for reading, you are awesome (:
TwoKindsOfPlayer 1 decade ago
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HEY YOU WITH THE FACE. GUESS WHO IT IS? yeah that's right, i'm back(: if you don't know who I am then just look at my quotes lol, and look at my quotes also cause IT WILL OPEN YOURS EYES, idk really. don't listen to me. besides the part where I said to check my quotes(:
Snowflakes113 1 decade ago
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Day off today for voting! Woot woot!
I hope everyone enjoys their day off,
and I hope you also enjoy chapter 27 of Finding My Way! (:
Snowflakes113 1 decade ago
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Okay, so I know I said it was the last notification, but I like doing them, and I feel bad when I told you guys at the beginning that I would do them for the whole story.
So I'm going to keep doing them! They just may not be as long every time.
But yay! Two days in a row, and a new chapter will be up tomorrow!
Enjoy chapter 26 of FMW (:
Snowflakes113 1 decade ago
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Hello to the wonderful world of witty!
Do you all remember me?
You probably don't.
I'm sorry that I haven't posted in over a month.
I'm honestly so mad at myself and I'm so sorry to have made you guys wait so long.
I know some of you have probably given up on me, but to those of you who haven't, I'm so grateful to you and I love you.
Volleyball just ended, so I should have a little more time!
I actually got called up to play on varsity for a game and it was amazing.
Guys are overrated; we don't need them.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower is just hsadg;gnj;p. I can't even. Anyone seen it? It's amazing.
And I love Logan Lerman.
Homecoming was fun!
Except this kid I used to have a thing for came and yeah. *sigh*
I just want him to go away because I don't want to like him because he's a jerk and I just don't even know anymore. He just keeps coming back! GAH!
In other news,
I've recently become obsessed with the classic/animated Disney movies and songs...
and all I've been singing is The Lion Sleeps Tonight, courtesy of my gay best friend. Thanks.
How was everyone's Halloween? Mine was awesome.
I was Sailor Moon, but no one knows who that is except for my friend Erica, so shoutout to her for recognizing me! Haha
You're just going to have to be patient.
Also, I definitely can't do anymore of these notifcations :(
I really like doing them and I feel like it keeps you all reading, but I just don't have time if I want to post.
So, this is the LAST notification.
If you want to see when I post, I encourage you to follow me so you'll see it when you log in
*wink wink*
I mean, feel free to follow me if you already don't... (:
So thank you all so much for your love and support and enjoy the new chapter of FMW!
yourgirlxo13 1 decade ago
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Hello love(:
i'm so sorry for this late notification , but my computer has been dead for a couple of days!
annyywwwaayysss, chapter 35 of "'Summer Love" is up!
if you haven't read it already, i think you should(:
Thank you <33
justmyself 1 decade ago
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Chapter 36 of The New Me is up, it is also the final chapter!
Also, when you finish reading, please read the author's note at the bottom! IT IS ACTUALLY IMPORTANT. Thank you^.^
justmyself 1 decade ago
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Chapter 35 of The New Me is up!
justmyself 1 decade ago
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Oh goodness...I'm really sorry for not posting so often..sophomore year is just asdfghjkl. I've been busy. When this story is done I'm not sure when I'll be starting another one, probably not for a while.
OMG so I got bored last night so I looked up Jesse McCartney songs up on youtube...is it pathetic I still remember all the words to most of them after years of not hearing them? I've become re-obsessed with him...<3 My iPod now has plenty of him on it(:
Anyway, Chapter 34 of The New Me is up!
yourgirlxo13 1 decade ago
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how are you?
I'm sad to say that I am not having a good day..friend drama..
But I am happy that I am here to tell you Chapter 34 of "Summer Love" is up now!
yayayay go read it, if you want (:
and if you do, please leave a comment...I love to know what you think! :D
justmyself 1 decade ago
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Chapter 33 of The New Me is up!
yourgirlxo13 1 decade ago
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how are you? well I hope this makes you feel even better...
chapter 33 of "Summer Love" is up now!
enjoy! (:
please, leave me a comment on the chapter so I know what you think of it,
I LOVE YOUR FEEDBACK! the reason i keep writing is because of you, so thank you <3
justmyself 1 decade ago
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Chapter 32 of The New Me is up!
yourgirlxo13 1 decade ago
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woooo sorry I got a little excited there.
How's your day going today? I'm in a great mood because I don't have any homework to do! *claps hands*
Anyways, thanks for reading, it means so much to me!
I love you as much as I love fudge brownies (and that is a lot!)
feedback? (:
Snowflakes113 1 decade ago
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Hey hey hey!
Wow, that could not have been more lame...
Haha, but so how are you all?
I'm sick, and everything sucks. I hate being sick.
But my mommy got me Ben & Jerry's ice cream, so I feel a little better (;
But we lost our volleyball game tonight...shocker...
And I have a tournament all day tomorrow! Wish me luck! (:
Also, my spanish class started this new thing where they all talk to me in an Australian accent, you know, since my name is Sydni. It's quite entertaining actually, because they really have no idea what an Australian accent sounds like haha.
But so I sat down yesterday and mapped out ideas for this story, I'm really excited for you guys to read them! (: A lot of interesting stuff is going to be happening, so just bear with me!
Chapter 23 is up now, read, fave, comment, enjoy (: !

justmyself 1 decade ago
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Chapter 31 of The New Me is up! <3
Snowflakes113 1 decade ago
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Hello my beautiful readers!
I've been so busy and I'm sorry I didn't get to post! I know, I've been saying that a lot lately :(
But how have you all been?
I saw Ed Sheeran in concert last week and oh my goodness, that man is perfection. His opening acts were absolutely amazing and they had such unique voices!! Selah Sue and Passenger, look them up if you get the chance!! (:
So, on Sunday night I stayed up until 5 in the morning to do an AP history test, it sucked. A lot. One and a half hours of sleep...yeah... And then I lost my voice from lack of sleep and yelling so much at my volleyball game that same day and to top it all off I think I'm getting sick, yaaaaay.
And then I'm just helplessly in love with this senior who is just the love of my life and we have so much in common but we don't really talk but ahhhh. We both do volleyball and we're both the president's of our classes and I get to see him at the student senate meetings (; and we both did mock trial and he has blonde hair and green eyes and dimples and that's like my dream guy and I just love him endlessly. Haha sorry for that little rant,

FINALLY! Haha, check them out and let me know how you likey them! (:
illbeokay 1 decade ago
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hey love chapter fourteen is up(-:
justmyself 1 decade ago
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Chapter 30 of The New Me is up!