
Joined: May 31, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 304270

Quotes by Only_You_22

That Moment When......
You Yell "Secrets Aren't Nice!"

And Your Friend Yells Back, "No But Friends Make Secrets!:D"

That Moment When......
You Yell "Secrets Aren't Nice!"

And Your Friend Yells Back, "No But Friends Make Secrets!:D"

Girlish :
[x] I like at least one shade of pink
[x] I don't like being messy
[] My belongings are organized
[] I like wearing accessories
[x] Bright colors amaze me
[] I hate black
[] I go to the salon once a week
[x] I comb my hair almost all the time
[x] I bring my phone with me everywhere

Boyish :
[ ] I like wearing baggy pants
[ x] I play video games
[ x] I like wearing jackets with hoods
[ x] I'm too lazy to do chores
[ x] I don't like shopping unless it's for me
[ x] I would go bungee jumping
[ ] I like being sweaty
[ ] I'm a big fan of Marvel Heroes
[ ] I always wear perfume/cologne

Nerdy :
[] I always carry a pen in my purse or pocket
[] I enjoy studying
[] I have glasses
[x] I'm a straight-A student
[x] I've never skipped a class in my entire life
[] I like to tuck my shirt in
[x] One of my favorite subjects is science
[] I like reading mystery books
[x] My assignments are turned in on time

Emo :
[] I'm crazy about the color black
[] I sit at the corner
[] One side of my hair is covering one of my eyes
[] I like heavy metal rock music
[] I have a lot of problems in my life
[] I don't talk much
[] I don't have that many friends
[] I barely have fun
[] I barely go out with my folks or friends

Childish :
[x] I love to stare at the ceiling for 10 minutes
[x] I sleep with a stuffed toy or pillow (pillow)
[] I watch cartoons
[] I sleep with a night light
[] My parents are the ones who chose my outfit
[] I'm scared of roller coasters
[x] I like being with my family relatives (some not all)
[] I take bubble baths

It Doesn't Matter How OLD or TOUGH You Are
When A Two Year Old Hands You A Playphone


Do You Ever Get That Funny Feeling That
There Is Someone Watching You???

I     Know    I      Do      :  )

not my quote

I'll Say I'm Sorry Over And Over Again And You Accept It Every Time, But No Matter How Many Times I Say It, I'll Never Be Sorry Enough

All About You...♥


Age? 13
Boyfriend/Girlfriend? not anymore...
Best Friend? Kelsey, Stephanie
Mood? Pretty Good
Crush; none....


Food? Mac and Cheese<3
Color? lime green
Candy? kit kat<3
Sneaker Brand? Nike, Vans
TV show? Dance Moms
Animal? Bunny, Dog
Letter(s)? S, R, N
Movie? The Notebook
Hobby? Sports

Have You Ever....

Dated One Of Your Best Friends: lol yes:)
Broken the Law? no..
Been Arrested? nope:)
Been on TV? yup!
Walked Into A Sliding Glass Door: lol yes:)....

I'll Never Be Sorry Enough

Why Does Saying Goodbye Have To Be So Hard.....
Why Can't It Just Be Done And Over....

Sorry doesnt fix everything....believe me, i know that! But here's my question....What do you say when you dont have an answer? What do you say when you have nothing to say? When you know you did something wrong and you're sorry, but you dont know why you did it, or how to make up for it? What then? All i can say sorry.............