
Joined: May 9, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 298436
Location: United Kingdom
Gender: F

I'm Milly and welcome to my profile!

thanks so much for visiting.
I live in the UK and i'm 14 years old.

I love Photography, music, reading and going to the beach.
for all of the people that follow me thanks so much, it means alot
leave me a message and I will be sure to get back to you asap
if anyone needs anyone to talk to I am always here for you.
thanks, and have a good day

OwlsWithEars's Favorite Quotes

 Do you ever wonder

if when you're in public girls you've never met look at you and go "Wow, I wish I was as pretty as her." or if random guys think "Dang, I wish I knew her." 

Do you ever wonder

if strangers look at you and think you're absolutely perfect?

Im the girl whos never
been given a chance,

the girls who’s always been single,
who’s always had a crush on a guy that didn’t care.
I’m the girl who hides her feelings,
the girl who doesn’t know how to flirt,
who’s always lying when the tears are falling.
I’m the girl who wonders what’s wrong with her,
who’s always thinking about what could have been.


Take a deep breath and repeat after me:
-I am not a letter grade
-I am not a GPA
-I am not a statistic
-I am not just a student
-I am good at something
-I am more than what an institution tells me I am

Some people feel like they don't deserve love.
They walk away quietly into empty spaces,
trying to close the gaps of the past.
  — Into the wild

Me: *jogs for three minutes*
Me: *thinks about how much fat I burned*
Me: *realizes that I only ran for like 180 seconds*

Me: *gives up*


Girls in my school: I hang out with boys, because it's less drama.

Me: I hang out with myself, because it's NO drama.


I'm tired of crying.
I'm tired of yelling.
I'm tired of being sad.
I'm tired of pretending.
I'm tired of being alone.
I'm tired of being angry.
I'm tired of feeling crazy.
I'm tired of feeling stuck.
I'm tired of needing help.
I'm tired of remembering.
I'm tired of missing things.
I'm tired of being different.
I'm tired of missing people.
I'm tired of feeling worthless.
I'm tired of feeling empty inside.

I'm tired of not being able to just let go.
I'm tired of wishing I could start all over.
I'm tired of dreaming a life I will never have.
But most of all, I'm just tired of being tired.



I've fallen for your eyes,
But they don't know me yet.

26 lives are gone.
26 families are lost this year
26 people got that dreaded call
that dreaded news.
Their family memeber...
Didn't make it out.
Little 5 to 10 year olds!
Helpful kind sweet teachers
Devoted Prinicipal
Because one "Man" was mad at his mum.
Twenty six people
didn't make it home tonight.

In memory of all killed in the Conneticut shooting.
Rest in Peace
This quote does not exist.