
Joined: February 12, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 67029
 I'm Savannah all my quotes are my own, unless they're from my favorite poems or songs and i credit someone else. I'm a writer: Poems,songs plays, stories

I'm a hopeless romantic, who has lost hope. I'm looking for someone who loves me for me but thats not going to well... if you wanna know anything else let me know <3

Rosechild23's Favorite Quotes

I need to know that you know
that i still crack up when i think about youre "unhuman noises"
that my stomach doesnt handle seeing you&her very well
that if i close my eyes, i can still feel our hands together
that i still have your locker combonation in my notebook
that i cant get all the facts i know about you out of my head
that every line of your body i could sculpt into a masterpiece
that i still love the sound of your last name &my first name

that i wish i meant more, that i wasnt just the friend

&i need you to know
that i really, honestly care for you, im willing to wait, i love you.
standing in the pouring rain,
she looked up at the sky. her hair was a mess, and
her clothes were all wet.     she merely whispered,
" it's okay sky. cry all you want. i will  never ignore
your tears like they did with mine.   don't worry. "

...And I still remeber when it was ME writing your name in my notebooks...
This quote does not exist.

Don't ask ME if I'm fine,
unless YOU wish to hear me lie...
 I'm not ok
I dont smile as much
now that we've stopped talking </3
i  wish...

------>> Someone
                  is going to walk into your life
&make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else.

you learn the difference between
holding a hand & falling in love;
you begin to learn that
kisses don't always mean something
promises can be broken just as quickly as they are made
and sometimes
goodbyes really are forever.
"Rate high if..."

Oh, that's right...
Thanks, Steve. (: