♥Je t'aime∞*

Status: Whatever :l
Joined: December 20, 2011
Last Seen: 1 year
user id: 253400
Location: Nofriendville
Gender: F
"And then they twerked happily ever after. The end."

Hey! I'm Athena, in case you cared. 15, from Pennsylvania. Cheerleading is ma thing. I sleep a lot. I'm kinda smart I guess. I can write pretty well, like I write poems and stuff. I'm really sorry for being awkward I can't help it really.

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Quotes by ♥Je t'aime∞*

I don't care if I don't know you, comment your favorite song(s) and I'll listen to them. I just feel like broadening my music taste I guess. Thanks ♥

Girl makes witty: 1 quote fave
Guy makes witty: 103873 faves 8273747372 followers 72727374 comments
"Merry Christmas, heres a dash of depression"

I feel invisible

Format by Breeze
Comment your snapchat usernames so I can send you ugly pictures of me doing stupid things in hopes of forming a bond. Yes, I'm serious
I have a confession to make. This is something I've been holding back for a long time, and I don't even know how to say it. But I've been inspired to do this, and I'm feeling confident. The truth is... I'm batman. This is a part of who I am, and I'm tired of keeping it a secret. If you're going to judge me because of it, fine. But I believe in equality, and I think everybody should be who they are. If you have a problem with it, I don't care. Because I'm batman. I am a silent guardian, protecting the streets of Gotham. And I'm proud of it. So if you support me, thank you. It was really difficult for me to come out like this. I serve my own brand of justice. I am the night. I'm batman.

You're not worth my tears
Oh wait, that must be why I'm not crying!

Don't cry about someone
who won't shed a tear
over you
I am super lazy today, which is a little like normal lazy, except I'm wearing a cape.