
Joined: August 12, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 206870
Rocking at 13 years old. I make my birthday wish on May 4th. I'm in the Class of 2012. 5'1. Tetris freak. I love video games, but I'm terrible at them. Music is my inspiration, writing is my outlet. Pleasure to meet you. 

Feel free to creep on me.(:

Twitter ; @Peachberries
Tumblr ;

Quotes by StrawberryKisses

N o b o d y
knows the real me, knows how many times I've sat in my room and cried, how many times I've lost hope, how many times I've been let down. Nobody knows how many times I've had to hold back the tears, how many times I've felt I'm about to s n a p but don't just for the sake of others, how many times I've felt like running away. Nobody knows the thoughts that go through my head when I'm sad.

How horrible.

When one of your best friends text you, you're like,

"Ohmygosh, HEY!"  & then launch off into an awesome conversation.

When they call you, you have no idea what to say.

Or is it just me?

Format by nevergrowup89

Funny when you're d e a d

how people start listening.


Format by sandrasaurus

that moment when you look at top quotes on witty and think,
How the f*ck do they come up with these things?
Format by Sandrasaurus

fave if...
your birthday is on 

May 4th.



"I wasn't that drunk...."

"Dude, you took all of the Twix bars out of my pantry and ate them while screaming, 'WHY AREN'T YOU STOPPING TIME?! STOP THE DAMN TIME, YOU B*TCHES!' "


Format by Sandrasaurus

"I wasn't that drunk..."

"Dude, you stood in my toilet and tried to

flush yourself into the Ministry of Magic."

Format by Sandrasaurous♥



You have to admit
That when you were little

Yotried to see iyou had

s u o w r s.

and you failed.


to you...
someone will always be

but remember...
they will never be


What happens in chatrooms...

*where is she...):*
she just signed in* 
*omg, she's on! :D* 
*... should I talk to her?/:*


Her :
*where is he...):*
he just signed in*
*Yay, he's on! :D*
*... why isn't he talking to me?/:*

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