
Joined: June 30, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 313487
Location: Area 11

Hey, i'm Aoife, but you can call me Aoi.
Anime/Manga, books, Music, Art = My life <3
Credit to

TheOppositeOfYourDreams's Favorite Quotes

It makes me sick how much
bullying there is in this world

me everyday: well that was stupid
This quote does not exist.
thug life more like ugh life


i'm naming my first born Kraken. So i can release him or her at the playground and scream ''RELEASE THE KRAKEN''


This quote does not exist.
*Basically me at school all day*
I hate you all
Me: Stop screaming, you saw your friend yesterday
Me: Holy fck walk faster.
Me: Get smarter, idiot.
Me: Maybe if I hit my head on my desk enough times, I'll die.
Me: I'm so hungry.
i don't know

his favorite color
or if he likes honey with his tea
or if he even likes tea

i don't know what song he listens to when he's upset
and i don't know what his favorite cereal is

but i do know

his smile is amazing
and his laugh is really loud but it's kind of like music to me
and his clothes are really simple but they look really cute on him
and he wears glasses sometimes and he looks good with or without them

and i really wish

i knew all these things
so i know what song to play for him when he's upset
and if he wants tea i wanna know if i should put honey in it
(if he likes tea)
and what type of cereal he wants when he wants some

but i'll never know

because i'm the shy girl across the room
who hides behind her hair and the sleeves of her hoodies
and glances at him when she thinks he's not looking
and he never is


When politicians say “It is my personal belief that a marriage should be between a man and a woman… I honestly don’t care what your personal belief is. It is my personal belief that mullets are hideous fcking haircuts but I can’t impose legislation that tells bogans to cut their hair a certain way, so why should a personal choice of love and commitment be any different? 

i’m using
Internet Explorer i hope this posts quickly. happy new year 2011


f o r m a t  j i m m y 3 6 5 n m q!