
Joined: March 30, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 287755

TheycallmeLea's Favorite Quotes

That moment when,
you can't figure out
if the person is a
boy or a girl

This quote does not exist.

"Don't call a girl a flirt when
she's just being nice, 
don't call a girl obsessed if she's just in love"
  -Zayn Malik

format credit to OneDirection

When life gives you lemons

>>>squirt juice in your enemies eyes


What to do in life:

☐ Be someone your NOT so some

popular will like you

 Be YOURSELF and stick by true friends that

will always be there for you!


Laughing so hard,
no noise coming out,
so you sit there clapping,
like a retarded seal.

"Age is just a number!" ;)

yeah, and jail is just a room.



format credit to OneDirection

teenage years expectations:
staying out late, partying, boyfriends, first kisses, first love, popular, perfect hair, perfect body, have a ton of friends, laughing so much your stomach hurts, bikinis, tan, no insecurities, good grades.
teenage years reality:
feeling alone, insecurities, having nobody, no guys, no kisses, socially awkward, tests are hard, crying, big sweatshirts, bad grades, no boyfriends.

Harry; What has 142 teeth and holds back the incredible hulk?

My zipper ;)   

 One direction <3

That awkward moment
when people are singing happy birthday to you and you just sit there

nmq nmf