
Status: Psalms 1:1
Joined: September 26, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 332140
Location: Camp-Half blood
Gender: F
I am Jordan I love God my church friends and taking pictures (Instagram

WhoIAmReally8241999's Favorite Quotes

This quote does not exist.
When youre best friend just becomes a stranger with memories..... 

Things i don't


about guys

Why must you always try to prove how much of a man you are?

You're better

when you're


head strong ill take you on!
head strong to take on anyone!
i know that you were wrong and this is not where you belong...
This quote does not exist.

How am I, supposed to be..

they expect

me to be?


We all fall in love by accident.

When Will I Finally give up on me and on you
Katniss Everdeen: I'm the girl on fire.
Seamus (the one from Harry Potter that blows stuff up alot):Hello then.