
Status: Living life and being me :)
Joined: February 13, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 273641
Location: Candy Mountain
Gender: F
Hey there beautiful:) I am absolutley hopeless when it comes to making things pretty and such so don't hate the ugly profile;) The names Kaylyn but lots of people find it hard to say my name (not sure why) so you can call me Kay. I love the Hunger Games and I'm not one of those annoying people who read it because everyone else was or because they made a movie of it ;) I loved Peeta wayyyy before they started making memorabilia ;)Music is my world:) And if you wanna dis Peirce the Veil, i'm going to have to ask you to leave:) I love everything from main-stream to like wizard of ozXD 16/ ugly town in New york/ bored with life...ya know, the norm XD Well, not much else to be said. Love yooouuus:) P.S. I love smiley faces:) :) :)

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