
Joined: July 7, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 191836

Willistheginger's Favorite Quotes

Girls who;; #44
Love Harry Potter.
Trust me on this one (;

This quote does not exist.

Dear God,
Please send me a man that is beautiful, caring, romantic, loving, smart, understanding, a man who is passionate, who would never cheat on me, who would always give me compliments, and always put me first. a man who would love me for who I am. Thank you god, amen.

Dear god,
big boobs! AMEN




RoSes ArE rED.

I hAve PhOnE.






I have a hopeless crush

on someone I have no chance with...

This quote does not exist.
This quote does not exist.
This quote does not exist.

There are 6,930,055,154
people in the world.

Why are you letting just one    

ruin       your       life      ?

--Patrick Star


Favorite this quote if..

You're in the middle of heartbreak.

You're battling cancer.

You've lost a friend.

You've changed this year.

You think you're ugly, worthless, and imperfect.

You've been bullied this year.

You've been cheated on.

Someone in your family has died.

Something has happened this year that has changed things forever.

You've gotten major surgery this year.

You're depressed.

Favorite this quote if..

you're going through something that no one could
ever understand and you feel so alone sometimes, and
so worthless. Favorite this quote, and I'll be there for you.