
Joined: June 14, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 79394
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_Beautiful_Disaster_'s Favorite Quotes

Am I The Only One..

Who says "And and" when they read "&&" ?
This quote does not exist.
Am i the only one
who thinks ladybugs
are only scary
when they're flying?

sooo true!
it's weird...
This quote does not exist.
Oh boy; This time it's for real.
He actually calls mewhen he says he will;
He actually wants  to spend the night talking to me;
He actually remembers the date of the day we started going out;
He actually means it when he says that he loves me;
He actually is the one for me, and I truely love him.

Yeah, I'd say he's the one for me.

y o s t i l l  l o v e  h i m <

you're just saying you don't because
you just love hearing from your friends
that he loves you back.
you always look at him, & go to places
because you always hope he might
just be their, too (i know that for a fact)
you still love him.
i    know    you    do.
& even though he's dating
that nasty bitchy girl,
that shouldn't stop you from
loving him . . . cause you never know the
possibilities of him climbing to your window
with a rose & saying those three beautiful words.

"i                   love             you."
♥. . . forever . . .♥

Today, my father called me to ask where I was. I quickly replied in Spanish class. He said "Sorry" and hung up. Today is Saturday, I've never taken Spanish, and he called me on the HOUSE phone. 
MLIA. <3
Today for Halloween, I had to pass out candy to the little kids. When I looked to my neighbor's yard, he just left a bucket full of candy with a sign saying "Please take two" and there was a garbage can right next to it. I saw a little kid laugh and try to take a handful, until my neighbor popped out of the trash can in a mask yelling " I SAID TAKE TWO!" The kid ran away crying. This happened about 18 more times.

the people we love. we lie to them, we lie for them. There may be some bumps along the way
but we
_*♥ Wanting the best for them.

-Modern Family