
Joined: March 28, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: May 7
user id: 354728
Location: In my house
Gender: F
My name is Cassie I'm 14 almost 15(: I have a boyfriend his name is Jon<3 My best friend is Elizabeth and you should follow her because she is amazing cupcake_lover88 Kay thanks bye.

_ItssCassiee's Favorite Quotes

Crying is magical, it helps all the little monsters in your head slip out for a bit. It makes you sleepy so you can runaway without leaving. When you cry with someone, you don’t feel as alone, because when you fall together you aren’t alone.
so i have class with these guys who i think are really attractive well i have been sitting here listining to there convosations and they are really disrespectfull. i guess they got girls to send them pics and now they are showing eachother and one of them said "shes to fat to be hot" i have lost all respect for these guys.
Over this School year.. I have made lots of new friends.. but i also made a lot of people hate me.. I pushed away people to the point where they Dont even talk to me anymore. Ive cried more than usual i had my first heart break, but were back together now, i lost weight, but gained some more on the side. 
been in and out of dramma. listened to my parents fight over the phone. to be honest im not excited for this summer any more... my best friend is grounded for the rest of the summer... I miss my grandmas like crazy i haven't seen them this year yet... but i am excited to have my sister and my lovely boyfriend staying with me over the summer, I have stuff that i wanna do over the summer, and i will get them done but im not excited for not see seeing my bestfriend i will miss her completely... idk what ill do with out her.... but anyways i kinda dont want school to end. but then again i do.
So i was going to go to the bathroom and i opened the door.. Only to find this cupple haveing s.e.x on the floor... Really romantic valentines you guys...

Redneck 911 Call


A couple of redneck hunters are out in
the woods when one of them falls to the ground. 
He doesn't seem to be breathing
and his eyes are rolled back in his head.

The other redneck starts to panic, then
whips out his cell phone and calls 911.

He frantically blurts out to the operator,
"O my gawd! Help! My friend just died.
He's Dead! What can I do?"

The operator, trying to calm him says, 
"Take it easy. I can help. 
Just listen to me and follow my instructions. 
First, lets make sure he's dead."
There's a short pause, and then the operator hears a loud gun shot!!!

The redneck comes back on the line and says, "OK, now what?"

Katniss Everdeen was just a girl on fire before it was cool. Maybe next time, Alicia Keys.
her: *Walks in the locker room with a creeper face*
me: *WTF face*
her: *Look at what my dog did!*
me: *Uhm.. that's cool, and laughs*
her: *Yeah it hurts, oh well*

Best friends ever since ♥
At school: Slutty girl: ugh my throat really hurts. Me: I bet your knees do too. Her: what Me: what
In class
The biggest lie I tell myself is
" I don`t need to write it down, I can remember it.