
Joined: November 29, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 59024

abby_x1106's Favorite Quotes

This quote does not exist.
This quote does not exist.
life doesn't give you the people you want.
it gives you the people you need,
to help you, to hurt you, to love you, 
to leave you and to make you into the person you were meant to be.

lets face it 
One Of The Hardest Things We Have To Do Is

This quote does not exist.

the minute you feel
like giving up, think of
the reason you held on
for so long.

in three words, i can
sum up everything i've
learned about life:
it goes on.


favorite if you
remember saying:

Girls go to college to
get more knowledge Boys go to Jupiter to
get more stupider (:
not my format

Hi, Welcome to Abercrombie.
Our Sizes are,

small, X small, anorexic, bulemic and malnourished.

Yo Usher Are you coming out tonight?

Nah, I'm babysitting Justin Bieber."