
Joined: September 14, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 218287

Hai. My name is Hannah... Im kinda new at this Witty thing, so cut me some slack

* im too lazy at the moment to make this purt yso yea.


adorkableblonde13's Favorite Quotes

Find a ...
Bed and well... 
.See what happens from there.

                         i'm the type of the guy;

Who will do anything for you..
I'll whisper softly in your ear saying

"I love you."  and be there forever, no matter how bad it
gets. I'll text
YOU first, I'll be the first to start the
Kiss you gently.
And much more.↓

Yeah,  i'm that type of


There she goes.

Going off to the WRONG guy.... 

When she does get hurt.

I'll be
her crying shoulder.

And Show
 her who she really needs.



A person who;
truly loves you
NEVER let you go.
No matter how
hard the
situation is.



Girls on witty;.

 Who think they're not beautiful.
Stop saying that,
 I'm actually feeling horrible inside,
Knowing so many girls, think they're not beautiful.

♥ *Jc_Roflolma o_*

                                   I'd choose;

  You over my xBox anyday.
You over MW3.
I'll ALWAYS make you come first.
Who cares about some game sytem?
You can't date Pixels.
Who cares about some worthless game?
You can't hold a girl on there.

I'd even give my life up for you.


I'm a guy.

And for me.

you're my princess.


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This quote does not exist.
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This quote does not exist.