
Joined: August 10, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 206224

Hey Hey Its Alysiaa (:

alysiaajones95's Favorite Quotes

I bet most of u won't fav this because
 It isn't pretty
Or fancy 
Or beautiful
 Thats what I thought. -___-
And just for your info this quote is like me


If you were born in September,

                                                          it's pretty safe to assume that your parents started their new year with a bang.

format- akk3165 :3 - tumblr


And who else
  speaks sarcasm as a second language?

This quote does not exist.
*Me & You..? Yeah, we [could've] been the start of something new.  </3
& today, my heart finally decided it didn't give a  [ c   k ] anymore. She's done hurting. (:
   TOP    QUOTE  :)


haha (:    

[♥] if you get it

An Does  Anyon else..

Flip their pillow onto the cold side
