
Joined: January 25, 2014
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 378061
Gender: M
i like hip hop and rap
favourite artist  are nas talib kweli the roots krs one ghostfae killah gza rza jinx da juvy common
favourtie food is nutella
im english
from bham
che guavara is my hero
malaika says im perfect which is the opposite off what most people say
i play rugby im on the school team i play prop the guys at the front of the scrum
a have xbox add me on live A L H W H
i have instagram ARTIEWH follow me i dont post much just like to look at pretty photos
i like dogs more then cats
i do geography history 3 scenices computing photography and maths and 2 englishes so if you wanna help or need help
follow me cus i the more follows i get the more i post
ummmmmm maliaka who uses this is really perfect so you know
ummmmmmmmmmm thats it for now

arthur's Favorite Quotes

So its been a month since I went out with this guy and he is honestly one of the most perfect people I have ever met and has helped me thorugh loads and we have a lot of things in common so its nice to know someone who gets you. I really hope I can actually see him in person soon and that we'll stay together for a while cause it would be such a loss if i lost someone as perfect as him


So follow arthur cause he's basically perfect


Format credit to Jade627 and Amenah
I just changed the colours

Things might be okay one day. Of course.
There's always the possibilty of things turning
out right in the end, just when we thought there
was no way up. But that works both ways, and
things can get worse. Or they might never get
better. But it's important to wait and see. To not
give up
. To fight for your happiness instead of
waiting around and doing nothing.  Its important to
see the good in thesmallest things because those
are the ones that spark off our positive thoughts

Things might be okay one day.  I know they will

- My quote (YouAreSoVeryBeautifulxx)


Format credit to Jade627 and Amenah
I just changed the colours