
Joined: May 29, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 178298
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I can see your lies from the outside.


baabygirl43's Favorite Quotes

you're a book written in ten           

                       all beautiful,

                                     none of them I can understand.


& That shoulbme  ..
Holding your hand . 

It's not that we weren't ment too be together,
                                                             It's just neither one of us were ready for forever. <3



esterdaturne13. Can I please have 1faves

for the 13th year of my life?


He's not the most popular.
He's not the smartest.
He's not the most athletic.
He's not perfect.
&I think that's why I love him.

boy you qot my heartbeat running away, beating like a drum and its coming your way :)
This quote does not exist.

I always have this fear...
that one day you're going to♥
discover that I'm not as great
  as you once thought I was♥...

*Girl is talking to her ex, he's jealous of her new boyfriend.*

Boy: "Does he make you laugh like I did?"
[( *She hesitates, missing her ex, a thousand memories rushing through her head, remembering every laugh they shared, feeling like no one can compare to what they had. But then, she remembers what's truly important: )]
Girl: "He doesn't make me cry like you did."

I don't miss you;
I miss who I thought you were.