
Joined: November 16, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 239310

inspiration. ♥
hi there beautiful. ♥ i'm not sure how you came across my page, but welcome. :] my name's top secret for now. it sounds stupid, but i have my reasons. anyway, i'll tell you a bit about myself, before i start rambling. i'm fifteen years young, and a sophomore in high school. most people say their friends mean the world to them. i've gotten hurt and betrayed by my friends, so i can't say that my friends mean the world to me. to be completely honest, i don't have many friends and the ones i do have aren't really 'real' friends. anyways.. i loooovvveee music. ♥ it's a serious obsession. i like alternative, pop, and some country not too much. i'm into older music, like The Beatles too. stupid, little things tend to make my day. that's pretty much me.. if you like my quotes, feel free to favorite them. it would mean a lot to me. ♥ thanks if you read my whole ramble. :]

oh. all of the formats i will be using, probably won't be mine so don't get mad at me if i don't give credit.

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12 Year Club
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