
Joined: January 23, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 266916

blackrosesaretheprettiest's Favorite Quotes

If a cop

Ever pulls you over
And says, “papers”.
Say “scissors, I win” and drive off.


When I study for something,

I open the textbook for 4.5 seconds, read

3 words, and continue wittying. :)

Dear Guy-On-The-Dance-Floor 'Raising the Roof',
You're noit raising your chances of getting laid...


When a girl doesn't want to get thrown in a pool,
it means:

A. She doesn't want to get wet.
B. She straightened her hair today.
C. She's on her period and if she gets thrown
in she will jump right out and kill you. :)

No offense History,

but nobody gives a flying fladoodle about the

French Revolution, kay? 

Random Poll:

FAV if youre from America

COMMENT if your from a different country with the name!

I love those boys who,
Say "I dont get a hug?" As they walk towards you with open arms wide open
after you walk away♥


Format by Sandrasaurus

guys, i'm dating my bestfriend
and it's everything
i thought it would be

ixxlovexxunicorns' format 

Rainbow Unicorns!
In Elizabeathan times

Biting your thumb

is just as bad as

sticking up the middle finger now